Morally Conscious

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Friday, March 12, 2021

So To Be Clear...Jonathan Passed Me Off To Jeffrey Then Blamed Me When Jeffrey Asked For More Than He Should Have And Took My Boyfriend With Him?


When every single knife has a friend's name on it, you can understand why I have humongous trust issues.

If it isn't clear yet to everyone there was some serious bullshit when it came to living with the Mendenhall's way back four or five years ago.  You see Jonathan, himself, passed my life on to Jeffrey by agreeing to keep Anthony and Christopher from talking to me for a year.  This was well enforced by Barbara.  In essence, Jonathan agreed that in a year's time Jeffrey would be done with this investigation and according to Jeffrey, "If you are still friends (Jonathan, Anthony, Christopher, and me)he would do something to help."  That was in 2010, it is not 2021...eleven years passed...and what I found out was that Jeffrey tried to use me as some kind of bargaining chip.

I would be ALLOWED TO MOVE, ONLY IF OTHERS THAT JEFFREY PICKED, PROBABLY PEOPLE LIKE MISSY AND BESSIE, were allowed to move there too.  That kind of bullshit makes it seem like I am friends with the girls that robbed me and that they robbed me for entrance into Jonathan's family's property.  I was a pawn.  Jonathan's mother, forgetting that it was her son that made this agreement, held it against me like I had something to do with it.  I fucking hate Bessie Smith and Missy Erickson...but because her son passed my life onto the care of Jeffrey Katzenberg, I was used as some kind of bargaining chip for those two whores to have a place to live.  Mrs. Mendenhall acted like I had something to do with it.  I assure you I was not consulted at all.  I resent being thought of as anyone that would be anywhere near Bessie Smith and Missy Erickson...and Jonathan pretended like I was somehow involved with them.

So I am understanding that it was Jonathan who decided to make this agreement then when it was time to own up to it, he held it against me and moved my boyfriend there instead of me.  I am simply an after thought.   The audacity of Jonathan and Jeffrey to think that they can play with my life like I am something that can get passed around like Jonathan at a gay orgy, infuriates me.  He made the call and then he didn't stick to any of his agreement with me or Jeffrey.  Instead he went with the Barbara technique of blaming me because her strippers came here to rob Marilyn and abuse my mother.  

I just want it to be crystal clear that I had nothing to do with the illegal agreement made between Jonathan and Jeffrey.  The agreement to keep informants apart.  This is evident in the "prediction" that Jonathan made in my apartment that said something to the effect of "I predict in one year that you will have a boyfriend."   This was the result of Jeffrey and Jonathan making an obstruction agreement that would keep Christopher from talking to me ever again.

Make no mistake about it Bessie and Missy tried to add themselves like some kind of bill rider to my life.  Hoping that Jonathan's mother would accept them...and she held it against me big time.  I had nothing to do with what Jeffrey did.  I had nothing to do with what Jonathan did.  The fact that Mrs. Mendenhall thinks so lowly of me means one thing...I am not wanted.  That is thirty-five years of wasted friendship.  What a total lack of class and honor.

Now I would turn down any offer to stay there ever again.  It wouldn't mean anything to me.  What it represents is some kind of charity that is only there because Jonathan doesn't want to go to jail for this illegal agreement.  I'm not for sale.  I'm not someone you can treat like this and get away with it.  For eleven years Jonathan's family has put me in danger.  A danger too great for Barbara, Jonathan, Anthony, and Christopher to face in Palm Springs, even though there are four of them.  I have the exact same danger, less than two miles from me, all six of the worst and most homicidal operators on this planet and Jeffrey who insists on letting Missy Erickson and Bessie Smith slide on the attempted murder at Steven's home when I got raped.  

Let us all be crystal clear...the war between the Katzenberg's and the Mendenhall's is one of their own making.  I had nothing to do with it but I'm the person that paid the highest price.  Instead of one year then Christopher, it's been eleven years of Christopher and Jonathan.  What a lovely couple.  For some reason my readers have suggested that Jonathan did this on purpose.  He's always used Christopher behind Kevin's back and Christopher always went along with it.  Jonathan seems to have a very convenient memory of who led who into an ambush and whose boyfriend Christopher is.  I think it is pretty clear that living wherever Christopher is, wouldn't be for the right reasons.  Now I have even less desire to spend any time there.

The fact is that Jonathan left me here to die and let Lori into my family like nobody else.  We're friends though...make no mistake about it.  To me, a bribe is a bribe...and obstruction is obstruction.  Nevermind that what they obstructed was two attempted murders, they just couldn't be bothered to help someone that Jonathan knew for 35 years.  As opposed to Anthony and Christopher who combined don't have 35 years of friendship with Alice's son.  What a total waste of time.

If I end up dead, law enforcement can take a look at Jonathan Mendenhall and his mother.  It was the two of them that got into a huge argument with Jeffrey Katzenberg who was trying to force Missy Erickson upon the people that she helped to get raped.

This was the "promise"/"prediction" that Jonathan made to me one month after Sedona, Arizona, 11 years ago.  This was due to the agreement that Jonathan made unilaterally with Jeffrey Katzenberg for my life:
This is absolute proof of the obstruction of justice in an attempted murder case.  Jonathan passed my life on to Jeffrey Katzenberg who then proceeded to destroy my family and my mom.  This is the time that Jonathan told Anthony and Christopher not to talk to me for one year which became eleven years.  What Jonathan did here is humiliating to me.  His mother's hatred of me is all based on Jeffrey Katzenberg's need to hurt me.  I have had nothing but positive things to tell the parents of my friends until Jeffrey got involved.  Now they all hate me because they can't deal with the problems that Jonathan and Anthony caused.

In my estimation Jonathan is not a credible witness.  He's lied to me so many times I can't trust him.  His mom and dad are all involved in his fraudulent death and his father's fraudulent death.  There is no excuse for eleven years to have passed.  For Jonathan to have secreted Christopher Monti's family away with a bribe is absolute proof that these families have conspired to commit an obstruction that cost my mom and me my life savings.  I have heard nothing from any of them in over ten years.  I'm the bad guy right gentlemen?  I'm not the one hiding evidence of two attempted murders and the murder of my brother in law...that's you Jonathan.

In the time since, Lori has robbed me, stolen $37,000 from my mother, committed elder abuse, obstructed justice, and colluded with Jeffrey Katzenberg on the entire theft.  It's so funny how they hate me when they are the ones that double crossed me in the first place.  There isn't any reason to believe Jonathan any longer.  His lies are legendary and his need, along with Anthony's, to blame me for what transpired in Sedona, only show you the level of deception that Barbara promoted to keep me from ever seeing Christopher again.

It's a trait of these operators to cause a problem then blame the victim when it doesn't turn out.