Morally Conscious

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Monday, March 22, 2021

If I Get My Shot of Moderna on Schedule, I Won't Be Fully Immunized Until May 18,2021


If you really care about the rest of the world being vaccinated there are some things that you need to consider.  I know, it seems like everyone knows about the vaccines, but what you might not understand is that in order for us to save the world, we have to stop this virus here.  We can create and distribute more vaccine than anyone in the world.  We also have a HUGE problem to overcome, but the good news is that if anyone is going to have a Covid problem like we do, it's better that it is the United States that solves the problem and then distributes to the rest of the world.  We can make enough vaccine to meet demands here first and still make more vaccine for the world before anyone else can.  This is how it works when this kind of pandemic hits.

So my first piece of advice if you are planning to get the vaccine, is to do it soon as possible.  My vaccinations begin on the 24th of March.  I am getting the Moderna vaccine locally, but even if I get this vaccine begun on the 24th of May, 2021, I won't be fully vaccinated until around May 18, 2021.  That's what it takes to be fully vaccinated with Moderna and just a tad bit shorter with Pfizer's vaccine.  The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is available where I am going but to be honest, I think that vaccine is much better served in countries with a lower economic status.  The refrigeration and single shot options are built for a less economically stable country.  One time, one shot, fully immunized after two weeks after the shot.   I know that vaccine is also really safe and they say with lower efficacy, but right now it is a lot safer than most of the flu shots we get with a higher efficacy.

If you are concerned about the world health crisis, think about getting your shot(s) sooner.

The more people that get vaccinated right away when it is available to them, the sooner we can produce enough vaccine to cover all Americans and produce enough of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to provide the world.  One shot is much better for economically deprived countries...not to mention it is far easier to transport and store.  I took the harder route.  I went with the "longest to vaccinated" vaccine in the hopes that the shorter to vaccinated J&J can be supplied to the parts of the world that really need one shot, short vaccination.  In the end, it is the quickest way to vaccinate the world.