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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

"Chopper, Sick Balls!" Lori LaFond Treats The PSPD Officers Like K-9 Cops Ordering Them To Follow Her Every Command Or Risk Being Fired!


You see this picture?  This police dog is attacking a black man...the situation for gays in Palm Springs, California is no different only we're dodging actual cops that are implanted and commanded to hurt us as Lori LaFond tells them to.  It's called discrimination and it is highly illegal.

I liken Lori LaFond's death grip on the Palm Springs Police Department to a canine police officer commanding a K-9 to attack someone that wasn't resisting arrest or someone the cop had a prejudice against.  In this case scenario, Lori Jean LaFond, not a member of any law enforcement agency, has implanted the police with an RFID chip so that she can command these rookie police officers to "do what she orders them to do."  

Here's the thing and the similarities.  When a K-9 officer is assigned to a human police officer, they are trained to respond to that cop's voice and the commands that the cop gives them.  Lori is always listening to the policies set for by the PSPD.  So when Lori learns all the rules of engagement, she starts to behave like she is the "Supervisor of the Extra Secret: Special Forces Unit" where Lori is the commanding officer.  Mind you, there is no such unit, only police officers that are supposed to answer to the human chain of command within their offices.  Lori has taken it upon herself to be a one woman dictator of law enforcement in Palm Springs against the gay community.

Because Lori has listened in to people like Bryan Anderson, who was implanted on the same Marine Corps. Base as Lori Jean LaFond was, Lori has learned about who does what and what to say if there is a problem.  In essence, Lori has spied on the police for decades learning how to sweep problems that she causes under the rug.

There is no difference between a rogue cop that hates homosexuals that would turn his dog loose on a gay man simply because he was gay and Lori telling police officers to lie in wait for a gay man to walk out of his home waiting to arrest him for whatever Lori makes up.  I was arrested five or six times for "being under the influence of drugs" but was taken, without my permission, to the hospital in the police car, to be tested and tested negative for all substances.  This happened five or six times, beginning immediately after I reported the rape where my skull was smashed in.  I was never on any substance, tests prove it.  Lori had cops waiting outside my home for me to walk outside from the moment I followed Bryan's advice to call for an officer to take my report.

Just like a human canine cop can't just sick his dog on whoever he has a prejudice against, Lori can't just send an officer to arrest us because SHE is a rapist and wants to punish her victims.  There is no difference.  Rest assured, if Lori could communicate with the actual K-9 dogs, who are incidentally microchipped with the same kinds of devices as their police counterparts, she would be sending the dogs after us to bite and injure us or worse.  You see, she's even done that one once with Officer Rae Fernandez telling her to tell me to "Run, Run!" so that I could see what Officer Hackbarth's dog Big Mac would do if I did.  You see, Lori wants to injure the rape victims that she's already infected and implanted.

There is virtually no difference between what Lori does with cops and what canine officer have to resist doing unless necessary.  Lori, is sending police officers out to shoot us at the Big 5 sporting goods or sending officers onto the tarmac at the airport to shoot guns while planes are taking off and sitting right there where a poorly placed bullet hole in a plane could cause the parked planes to crash if they don't see it, upon take off or in flight.  Lori has no idea what is going to happen, she just wants to see it all unfold.  

Now that we know Lori sticks syringes of her staph infected blood into the testicles of knocked out gay men, the phrase "Chopper, sick balls," doesn't seem so out of reach for her, does it?