Morally Conscious

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

California's Drug Dealer Liability Act: Checking Into This One For The Victims' Families That Lost Their Lives...Also My Brother In Law's Death


When looking into the cases of entrapment and illegal deaths caused by Lori's sick drugs, I am curios as to the liabilities of the Palm Springs Police Department and Lori Jean LaFond.  Under the California Drug Dealer Liability Act, Health and Safety Code § 11700.

Also, if the police officers are implanted with these devices that link directly to a drug dealer who is feeding them information, can the City of Palm Springs be liable to damages by the families of the victims that the police re-victimized?  There are lots of questions that I am now running through legal....I'm hoping that someone cares more about the families of these victims than the rotten drug dealer that Lori LaFond is.

She not only supplied my brother in law with drugs, she also enflamed the circumstances of her obsession with my sister into a full blown affair with Lori's own uncle...which wasn't the case!  Can you sell drugs to a person then use those drugs as a weapon of violence when the drug dealer knows of the circumstances and still knows the danger?  Clearly, Lori knew that my brother in law was enraged, he showed up at Jacquie Palmer's work furious with Lori's uncle.  Lori only knew of that situation because of spying on me and Bryan Anderson with these devices.  She knew there was conflict about drugs, his kids, my sister's need for safety, and Lori broke all those secrets with her nosy lies.

Lori also went to the crime scene in the days after the killing...and photographed the blood on the sidewalk with the caption "beautiful sidewalk" as the file name.  There is nothing "beautiful" about a homicide, justified or not.  Lori's joy in seeing the blood of my deceased brother in law shows a pattern of hate towards myself and my sister.