Morally Conscious

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Friday, September 11, 2020

Now I've Explained This Blog Header From Yesterday...I'll Let Everyone Explain It Too All Of You!


So I thought about what I posted yesterday and I'm not sorry.  Here's the deal.  Everyone needs to understand that I am still just one person that writes this blog and investigates this crime.  Nobody else is vocal about it.  It also doesn't help when I get messages from the Chief of Police that say, "Nobody called about the television interview on television" or "You sent me Anthony and he didn't have any useable information."  I can assume that it is Lori Lafond but she will obviously deny it.  Then I look at what information Anthony had AFTER SEEING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY WITH LORI IN IT...and the Chief of Police tells me "he was in custody and had no useable information", what the absolute fuck does that mean???
Then my friends disappear.  Then Lori threatens all of them and starts sending death notices (which I think is a terrorist threat) and the word "ransom" appears in it.  

Without a word from anyone and Lori's denial, how in the fuck am I supposed to do my job as an informant.  When the other informant is silenced, I have been left with nothing but a serial killer after me and no way to protect me and my family.  You've seen my smashed skull...the PSPD said there was "nothing they could do for me."  How in the fuck does that happen?  I've seen the DNA report from my had suspects and lots of information on it.  Then the Chief of Police says, "There was no DNA on your clothing," but I get all these diseases right afterwards and I'm tested all the time??? Come on folks.

I wanted to leave this up for one more day so that everyone has a chance to explain why it looks so bad for them when I write this but it isn't nearly as bad as it seems. I'm left with the ugliness of the situation and no help.  I want help.

I'm sure that everyone has their side of the story, but Lori's telling it for them.  That's not good.  Speak up in a manner that you know she can't fake, like a video!!!

I'm just saying this isn't easy on me and I've been all alone for ten years without a single one of my friends to help.  If one or all of them are in trouble, I should know, I'm their informant person and they are my employees.  I have the right.