Morally Conscious

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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dumbfounded: Why The Parents of My Friends Decided To Help Lori Instead of Me


This is the post I never wanted to have to write, but it has become increasingly clear that an end to this crime isn't possible through the families that I trusted and believed wouldn't turn into the kind of people that they are.  I should have known that Barbara and Jeffrey were a super bad combination when it comes to my friendships.  Both have resorted to tactics that neither one of them would put up with if it happened to them.

So if you know me, you know that I am the most loyal of friends.  Anthony once told me, during our Sedona trip, "Don't give up on friends."  A day or two later, I never saw him again.  Oh but I heard from him, over and over.  The most hateful messages I've ever received.  Things about Jonathan's death, his "better friendship with him than mine", you know, chick stuff.  Leave it to Anthony to scold me when my life is already a mess.  All the while, in the back ground, Barbara is telling him, Jonathan, and Christopher to stop being my friend.  What a fucking cunt.

Apparently she and Jeffrey cooked up some idea to put my life in danger when they found out that Lori and her friends were planning on killing me in Sedona, Arizona.  Don't think that's exaggerating, Lori's tried to have me shot and she beat my skull in after shoving what felt like a gallon of her frozen germ blood up my ass.  This isn't something Lori hasn't tried before, but this time she had Barbara and Jeffrey's help.  Jeffrey supplied two of his crack head employees for the trip with his wife and son flying them to Sedona.  Immediately they left their lodging and joined Lori in her sex house.  Missy and David never left.

In actuality, I was worried about Anthony and Jonathan in Palm Springs.  I saw Jonathan looking like a worn out twig and Anthony was being left on the lurch every single week.  I paid for an apartment for Anthony and Christopher to use in an emergency, which happens about every single day with Lori.  Both misused the apartment and Jonathan made copies of all my files.  Jonathan wasn't invited to stay there because he had Barbara's home to stay in and he was too sketchy to be trusted with my things.  He ended up stealing things from that apartment and blaming Christopher for it.

The trip was to do something nice for the two of them.  I should never have done that.  The two plotted behind my back to steal my money and deliver my ass to Lori's doorstep.  Afterall, they had keys to the Sedona Summit timeshare that I was in, so Jonathan split after the first day to hand Lori a key.  Anthony would meet up with Brian and Lori in the parking lot while I was browsing for antiques.  The two of them led me into a massacre and then had the absolute nerve to act like I did something wrong when I didn't buy them cigarettes.  Anthony stole about $300 from me while Jonathan stole $200 or more.  Literally they robbed me on the vacation that I planned to help them get away from Lori Lafond.  I had no idea that they were meeting up and conferring with her behind my back.

Barbara instructed them not to tell me anything about Lori being there.  Jeffrey told his wife not to say anything.  I had a restraining order against me from Lori's place of work, the City of La Quinta...and the whole time Bryan Anderson didn't do a fucktards worth of work to keep me safe.  Instead, Jeffrey sent his wife and kid there to do absolutely nothing with Jeffrey's head of security.   Ask around, you'll find out it's true.   That man should be jailed for what he failed to do...but he fucktarded that too.  Remember, when Jeffrey pays, you do what he says or else.

Basically, I tried to do what I always do, I tried to be a friend.  Anthony and Jonathan tried not to be and because of them, I've lived in Hell for the last ten years.  Oh, yeah, Jonathan then came back to Palm Springs to watch Lori put Christopher in jail.  Then he told him not to talk to me ever again.  He hasn't.  I found out that Christopher's arrest was bullshit and Mrs. Monti didn't even say thank you.

The next step involved Jeffrey and his long winded stories about how he's ripped off people like Britney Spears, Catherine Zeta Jones, and others in Hollywood.  Giving a "wink wink" to Melissa, he "disapproved" of them going to my sister to rob my mother of a savings account by abusing my mom during the beginning of her Alzheimer's disease.  This little "wink wink don't do it" was the way that Jeffrey weaseled his way into my family behind my back by using my sister's "friend" Bessie Smith, Melissa Erickson, and the guy that tried to get his son molested, David.  These are the scumbags that Jeffrey sent to my sister's home to steal my bank account that I shared with my mother and told nobody about.  Jeffrey used this system to track my bank holdings then "didn't approve" of his own employees going and playing my sister for a fool.  She handed over my bank account with my mom crying on the ground telling me that she "didn't steal anything from me"....while Jeffrey mocked her pain.

You see his story telling "wink wink" was his way of telling Missy she could steal it and give it to him and Marilyn.  We're talking $35,000....earmarked for a lawyer for me and Christopher.  Jeffrey didn't want me to hire a lawyer so he stole the money to keep that from happening.  This is what a billionaire does to poor people, for kicks.  A few days later, Jeffrey leased Missy a car and bought her a house to live in.  If he was mad about the theft, he showed it with appreciation.  Does that sound like someone who was mad at his employees because they robbed a police informant?  It didn't to me either. Shame on you broke my mother's heart.  You ruthless cunt.

I hope someone breaks your heart someday Marilyn.  I hope you never recover from it.  I hope your relationship with your son ends in tears and disappointment.  You are no mother to me.

Before I forget, I wanted to add that Jeffrey and Barbara, during this restraining order period where Lori isn't supposed to contact me, I received a "death notice" from Jonathan's family and a hateful letter from Christopher's mother's friend, "Dave".  Since Jeffrey ordered Jonathan and every one of my friends to stop being my friend, these came in the mail.  I say they are from the Mendenhalls and the Montis.  Since neither contacted me ever to say otherwise.  Jeffrey let every single message, letter, and text from my friends (Lori using their names) go unnoticed and unchecked.  In other words the two were working in tandem to destroy my friendships and the families that I worked so hard for.  It was Jeffrey and Barbara together that decided that I wasn't worthy of Jonathan's family's friendship.  Though I've known him longer than her.

It was Barbara that told Christopher to stop being my boyfriend and to help her.  This is something that Missy did to Barbara once and Barbara threw her out of her home.  So if she thinks that what she did was okay, then why did she get so fumed when someone did it to her?  Barbara's request came long after Missy dissed her...I think she just wanted to hurt me more.  This is a theme with Barbara.  She's met with and threatened more friends of mine to stop being my friend than anyone other than Lori.  Why? Why would a grown woman do this?

I guess you'd have to ask Mrs. Monti and Mrs. Mendenhall.  The pair obstructed justice simply to hurt my feelings and my life.  I will not forgive them.  To make matters worse, when Anthony, Barbara, Jonathan, and Christopher left Palm Springs for San Diego, they never even bothered to ask me to go with them.  Alice Mendenhall's choice...and she chose everyone but me.  To her I say, fuck you!  To A, J, and C, you can't ever be my friend again.  Ever. I mean ever!

This was the blog post I never wanted to write, but check the facts, you'll see I'm not lying, but Mrs. Mendehall, Mrs. Monti, Barbara, Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg...all are.  They put my life in danger, serious danger, from a previously attempted murderer.  This is something that Jeffrey thought up and executed all the while acting like he was here to "help my sister and me."  Does that sound like help to you?  I didn't think so either.

So now, I'm going to update you all on the truth.  Jonathan is a fugitive from Indio.  I'm going to find his warrant and shove it up is ass.

So for ten years...don't say I'm not patient, ten full years, the Mendenhall's and the Monti's pretended that Jonathan was dead.  Christopher is an informant, not that he takes the job seriously, but he promised me he would do the job.  Half way through this investigation he promised Jeffrey, with his family, that he wouldn't contact me at all.  That was the end of our relationship.  You don't promise me something and fuck me over and get away with it.  So now, he is going to have problems with domestic terrorism of my family and me using his own sworn promise to inform Bryan Anderson of what Jeffrey stole and what Jonathan did to me with Anthony.

All of them...Lori and her friends, the Katzenberg's and his friends, the Mendenhall's, the Monti's, all conspired to obstruct justice or to have me killed.  I'm not lying either.  Not one of these parents did the right thing.  Not one reported Lori for being in Sedona during that restraining order.  Not one called my sister to warn her about Bessie Smith.  Not one called me ever.  Remember, I'm the person that told them everything about this crime and who Lori Lafond really is.  I did nothing to any of them.   They just decided that my mother should be destroyed by Jeffrey without a single word.  Thanks Bryan Anderson...your mother would have your balls for something like this and I know it.

It is my intention now to have all suspects arrested and jailed.  I don't have a single loyalty to anyone any longer.  I no longer consider myself a member of the LGBTQ community nor do I care what people think any longer.  I tried to do something for all of us, but selfish Christopher did the thing he always does, he thought of only himself.

Jeffrey is the first person to criticize his longtime friend Harvey Weinstein and tell everyone that Lori Laughlin will be just fine in prison...I hope to GOD he finds out for himself.  The misery he caused me and my mom will never be forgotten.  I will prosecute whomever was involved in hurting me, my mother, my sister, my father, or anyone else that was involved in Sedona and the attempt to take my life.  Jonathan and Anthony are just as guilty as Lori is for that situation...they should be punished.

Pastor Mendenhall you say you are a man of God...what kind of man does this to another human being?  What kind of son did you raise?  What is wrong with your ex-wife?  There is no God I know of that would continue to hurt me over and over again while your son lives with Anthony and Jonathan.  I am so disappointed in you, your wife, your family...I can't believe that a fucking priest would be so heartless.  Then again, Christopher is the same as you are...a liar and a fake.  I'm ashamed of you and the Monti's...this is what I get for being an honest and true friend to your son, right?  Man is your family fucked.

Your son literally has my DNA report from the Palm Springs Police Department that shows Lori and Brian raped me AND he was with them the night of the sexual assault.  Do you understand what that means knowing that he went to Sedona, without telling me anything about them being there?

Any chance of reconciliation with any of these people, absolutely not.  Especially, Christopher.  Jonathan wanted him, now he has him and Christopher's family.  I guess that makes up for Jared, the last boyfriend he left to die in a hospital room...alone.  Or perhaps Shawn Parrish who died because of his relationship with Anthony and Jonathan.  Or even Sgt. Maj. Eugene Lafond, who died simply because his fucking daughter couldn't take him living here with her stolen military computers, risking that he might find out.  How's that for a daughter.  How's that for a son?

Every single day I'm alive I'm thankful for my mom and dad.  They didn't raise me to be a shithead liar.  They raised me to be a conscious, conscientious, friend and man.  Now that I've been expose to truly evil people, I know that I was right.  I'm not the kind of person that would hurt someone else to gain for myself.  I'm not the kind of person that would use a friend like rotten toilet paper.  I'm not the kind of journalist that would seek the seediest of routes to freedom then fuck over my community.  No, the LGBTQ community works for many people, but it just doesn't apply to me.  I'm without anything I love now.  I guess that means I have to love myself.  I'm the only person that measures up to my parent's standards.  

Christopher threatened to call my sister to tell her what Bessie and Jeffrey did....hundreds of times.  Isn't that using my sister the way they used to use me?  What a horrible thing to do.  I'm confused as to what I was supposed to do for him and his mother?  I guess I had to cover up a rape to earn her trust, that's how Jonathan did it.  I guess I had to lie, that's how Anthony did it.  I guess I had to pretend to be a friend, that's how Barbara did it.  Mrs. Monti, how could you?  Even if your son was a shithead you still owed me the respect I showed you and your daughter...but you don't have that kind of class.  Your husband would be ashamed of your son, so I'll be ashamed of him for Bobby.