Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 17, 2020

What Real Family Member Of Lori LaFond's Hasn't Been Thrown Under The Bus or Driven Over?


It's been clear from a very early age how Lori LaFond has felt about her own family.  She has always portrayed them as inferior to her needs.  I've heard lots of stories about how Lori has sabotaged most of the members of her family to try to get ahead in life.  There are stories of Lori pushing family members in front of cars, drugging family members, infecting family members, and beating them over the head with blunt instruments.  There are also rumors of Lori stealing money from just about all of them and then opening bank accounts in her own family member's names to hide who was behind the theft.

Most of us have heard Lori telling us that remote neural monitoring is a "family business" that she and her father developed.  I think that there is very little truth to that.  What I do think is that her father agreed with the military to have members of his family implanted to test this system and then Lori got it in her mind to steal it.  Though her father may have taught her about what this was, it wasn't his intention to use it against the general public.  That came from Lori LaFond's sick mind.

I remember receiving that restraining order and thinking to myself, "Who is Lori trying to hide from now?"  Once I read parts of it, I knew she was lying her big fat ass off again and I was convinced that she was the person behind this harassment.  Why lie if she wasn't?  Seriously, why not just tell the truth about what I was doing and go with that?  That piece of fiction is so full of lies that I honestly could not read more than one page before I put it away confidently knowing that I'd identified the correct suspect and used the techniques that I've developed to find her.  I wasn't surprised.  Lori has two speeds, rage and more rage.  Her efforts to hide her homophobic side is more than apparent in that document and let's face it, she has a long history of hating gay people.

The thing was that this order, and I do respect all court orders, legal or illegally obtained, caused me to not be able to protect the people that Lori was targeting, her own mother, father and sister.  I didn't know any of them.  What I have since found out is that they have ALWAYS suspected that Lori stole these computers and was using them to steal from people.  They also know how physically dangerous Lori is.  I think I remember now that her own sister left home the second she could because she knew Lori was homicidal.  Maybe they thought Lori would grow out of it, but she never did.  She did what most narcissists do, they get worse with age.

To this day I regret not having contacted her parents before that order, but I'm sure they know that if I had, one or all of us might not be here now.  As it stands, Lori's father passed away and I've heard that there may be some truth that Lori used her biological weapons against him.  It is no secret that Lori hates her own family.  She always has.  She used to tell everyone that she was an "only child" and the reality is that she has a huge family that she is not very close to.  Lori also avoids talking about her brother Brian, most of the time.  The only time she brings up his name is to blame him for something that she has probably done.  She just loves making him mad.  In fact, making a person mad is what Lori lives for.  Hurting someone is her favorite past time.   She is every bit as sick as what I remember in high school and every bit as worthless.

What most people don't realize is that Lori never really stopped being my high school bully, she just kept on going like some kind of high school slasher movie from hell...with lesbians.  She sent letters to my college dorm, sent flying monkeys to my first apartment, and even decided it would be funny to tell all of my fraternity brothers that I was gay and had AIDS...she left off that she gave me the HIV that she was telling them about, but who's counting?

You see, Lori is what I call a super bitch...and crazy.  She followed me around for decades using people that she contacted and telling them stories about how she knew me.  I just want to tell all of you what this is like.

I want you all to remember that I was in Miami when Andrew Cunanan was there to kill Gianni Versace and I've always regretted that we didn't confirm seeing him there, though my eyes were wide open.  If I'd seen him he would have been caught.  Now I'm faced with a second serial killer and this time I know who she is after, his name is Jeffrey Katzenberg and she is stalking him just the way that Andrew was stalking Versace.  What am I supposed to do with that?  This is an incredibly hard situation for me to be put in.  I want her caught before another family tragedy happens and someone blames me for not doing enough.

When is someone going to stop this horror movie for me.  It is way too much for a single person to handle on his own.