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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Friday Elon Musk Will Show You The Future of Brain Linking, My Job Is To Show You The Past! Brain Computer Interfaces, Like Everything Else, Has A History, It's Not All Good!


Friday August 28 @ 3pm Pacific Time, Elon Musk will give you the future of Brain Computer Interfaces, my job, and his, is to understand the past so that things like Lori Lafond don't ever happen again.

If you want to join in the educational seminar of Neuralink's new BCI and it's functions go to Neuralink's page at on Friday and there will be a link to the live stream.  Until then watch this video and know that in order for companies to develop such tech, others were experimented upon by outsiders.  I am a fan of Elon Musk and hope to meet with him someday.  I think that I can safely show him that BCI's can be helpful but there are severe problems with privacy that need to be addressed.
