Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Just How Sophisticated Is Lori LaFond's Alleged Child Porn Network?

You know, I've been reading about sophisticated human sex trafficking organizations online lately and I'm kind of starting to get the impression that remote neural monitoring has an even uglier side to it than I'd ever nightmared was possible.  I want to explain to all of you how that works.

For many years, I've heard Lori LaFond on the microphone describing all kinds of her fantasies, but remember, my roots in this crime go way back to when she fantasized about a relationship between a teacher and a student when I was in the sixth grade.  That meant that Lori was a seventh-grader.  The teacher she fantasized about was my father, but the student was someone that was on his golf team.  I imagine that this student was part of a military family that probably consented to have him implanted with one of these chips.  Think of what kind of seventh-grader would have this kind of sick was she, even then.

Well, I can tell you that when I went to the seventh grade myself, I had Lori LaFond as a teacher's assistant for a science class.  This can be verified through most of my friends that were also enrolled in this class.  Lori was a monster even then.  I can remember that she was evil to the kids in the class, but for the life of me, I can't recall the details about what she did.  I think it was the way she acted like she was an adult and that we were kids that she was in control of.  She also became way too flirtatious with the teacher.  She was overtly sexual towards him in a way that caused the school to pull her out of the classroom and away from all of us.  Think about it.  The girl that made up the story about my father and his player on the golf team, was now standing in front of me trying to have sex with the teacher.  It makes total sense.

Just how much of what Lori was doing in front of the classroom was directed at me?  I know that she knew my name and that she knew my sister and father.  For me, to see this situation during the period my father was being accused was unacceptable.  I was already embroiled in my own father's prosecution, which ended in a complete acquittal, but there was another student/teacher relationship that was unacceptable unfolding before my eyes.  I had already been working with an attorney on my father's case, so I knew that what Lori was doing was unacceptable, so it was not unusual that when the school found out that Lori was calling the teacher's home, they called me in and asked me and many others about her behavior.  I told the truth in my father's case and in Lori's too.  She was inappropriate and acting like an adult...a very bad adult.

I didn't see much of Lori after she was pulled out of class, but there was a big change with one of my friends.  He became aggressive and violent towards me and others and we all believed it was drug-related.  He'd been a friend of mine since I was a child of three or four years old.  A good friend too.  It wasn't long before he began threatening me for no reason at all.  Lori would then move on to high school and I was at the junior high school.  So for one-year things were mostly better.  My father's case ended in a complete acquittal because there was absolutely no evidence that it was true.  I was a witness in his case as were others.

Most of you know that my first day of high school started with an angry, almost violent, outburst from Lori LaFond before I even entered my first class.  She called me a "flaming faggot" and was really intense.  You can imagine how that shaped my next four years.  To be honest, I didn't even remember who she was or why she was screaming at me the way she did.  It seemed planned.  Like she had waited for almost two years to attack me.  She was really abrasive like she still is today.

It was on that first day of high school that Lori LaFond began her tenure as my high school bully.  I would later find out that she was trading drugs for favors with some of the guys at school to do something violent towards me.  Now I know that some of you know that you are gay way back then, but I wasn't really sexual so that didn't come into play.  I felt like my father's case was the reason for Lori's hatred.  I also heard from other guys that Lori had a horrible reputation as a sex addict.  I think that what I heard was that she was both a lesbian and that she was "the easiest girl in school."  Neither of which was interesting to me.  I obviously didn't like her from the first day of school and didn't remember her from junior high school.  What should have been the new beginning after my father's case, was simply the beginning of the nightmare for me.  Lori was obsessed, fixated, and determined to have me physically beaten.  I knew that.  I decided that I wouldn't go to any parties or do anything where her friends would be.  That would prove to be a wise decision.

In her senior year, during spring break, Lori decided to throw a party that she didn't have permission to do.  She actually found out that it was a friend of mine's birthday and Lori took it upon herself to tell everyone in school that she was having a party.  Red flags went up everywhere for me.  This was one of my very best friends and I know her parents well.  Everyone kept telling me that there was this big party planned and that "you have to be there."  This girl knew the boys that Lori traded drugs for favors with and I made a conscious effort not to be there.  It was at this party that Lori would push one of those boys in front of the Commanding General's son's vehicle breaking his hip.  Lori told everyone that "Kevin was driving that car."  Remember, we live in a huge military town and the General's son is a friend of mine.  Lori was so enraged at that party that she shoved her friend in front of a fast-moving vehicle while he was being chased by these boys.  Literally, I chose not to be there and Lori blamed me.  Apparently, she then blamed her druggie friends but when it began to look like they would be charged with a major crime, they turned on Lori and told the truth.  Lori apparently got into trouble but she was still a minor at the time.  Some kind of settlement was made and Lori got out of trouble.  I never saw my friend, the birthday girl, again.

In short, I couldn't wait to leave the small town I lived in because Lori had made it so dangerous for me.  I know others did too.  It is clear to me now that Lori's mind-reading computers were at the heart of this crime, even back then.  She was using them to target military kids so that she could use them.   Sometimes she used drugs to ply them for favors, but with some of my friends, she would sell them drugs then tell their parents.  The groundwork for this crime in Palm Springs was laid during these years and Lori spent little time accusing more adults of sex crimes with other kids.  There are three cases in our area.  One with my father and two with friends of mine.  She also tried again to have my father accused but her plans fell short when the student wouldn't comply with her demands.  This person actually worked for Jeffrey Katzenberg at DreamWorks Animation in Pasadena.   He is a good friend of mine and told Lori to fuck off.

Every pedophile is a child at some time in their life.  Lori obviously is no exception.  I know she was overly sexual and had a thing for the younger guys to torture.  In looking back, I am fairly certain that there will be a lot of people that will remember Lori LaFond as a sexual aggressor, as a child, grown into a predator as an adult.

My growing concern is that remote neural monitoring has become a sexual predator playground.  Even Lori has told me that this system isn't for people to be nice upon.  Lori's role is the sexual aggressor.  She used to call herself "Mistress Jessica" on this system.  This is a nod to her Sado-Masochistic dream character of a female that tortures men and humiliates them.  When you add her pedophile fantasies, which can be confirmed through Anthony Dabiere's viewing of her child porn, you start to see that Lori saw the sexual trafficking of child and rape porn as an economic possibility.  I was told to send Chief Reyes someone that knew about these kiddie porn movies in person.  Anthony, not long afterward, volunteered that he'd seen these movies.  When I heard him say that, I immediately told him to go to see the Chief.

I have an affidavit that documents that Anthony voluntarily went as I asked and an email from the Chief of Police, lying about the encounter.  It's so obvious that not only are the police protecting Lori LaFond's rapes, but they are also protecting her from child molestation and the production of child pornography.

The Sedona, Arizona situation showed Lori had two young boys in a situation where they were bound and gagged while she did unspeakable things to them.  It is my understanding that Jeffrey Katzenberg has a transcript from the hearing where Lori lied to the court about her name but admits to making porn in Arizona.  That the victims themselves were underaged, we can call those pictures, child pornography with two kids transported over state lines for the purpose of manufacturing this horrible product.  That, folks, is child trafficking.

I will write more about "Little Angel Videos" again, but it would be nice to hear from Anthony about what he saw and heard on those tapes.  Likewise, Jeffrey needs to show that transcript from Lori's arraignment and bail hearing.  We need to be vigilant against people that make this stuff.  It's a network of sex predators and pedophiles that the police are hooked into.  U.S. Military internet connections and servers are being accessed by Lori and others.  It's sick.