Morally Conscious

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Monday, January 6, 2020

She's Still Trying To Drag Me Into Her Sludge Of A Life...Common For Stalkers!

Are you really getting the truth from the source or is Lori filtering the information that you are getting through her sick mind?  I will put all this forward.  I have a family that loves me, unconditionally.  I have a job that I am very good at and have verifiable income from the age of 14.  I pay all my taxes.  I have a car, a driver's license, and not one single drug test will I fail.  Compare that to the REAL Lori LaFond with REAL information that she hasn't'll get a better look at who is sane and who is losing her mind.  Oh yeah, I've also been evaluated by mental health professionals...clean bill of health here!  As for's just say she hasn't seen a doctor since her birth.

Lately, Lori's been using the name Raymond Madrid and sending me pictures of some guy's ass telling me that he wants to have sex with me.  I'm not even interested in something like that.  So what we do know is that Lori and Junior are STILL ABLE TO FORWARD PHONES AND USE PORTABILITY TO PRETEND TO BE PEOPLE THAT THEY AREN'T.  Lately, Lori has been using a combination of one of my co-workers' phone numbers, my manager, and the owner...pretending to be each of them to the other.  I'm not the least bit worried.  My co-workers and managers are awesome and I've already warned them about Lori Jean LaFond.  I don't get into work gossip.  I don't really talk to my co-workers outside of my job.  I respect each one of them and wouldn't ever disrespect where I work.  These are good people that have taken care of me.

Next, I want you all to understand that when you get a text and if it is about me, know that Lori is most likely behind it, no matter what name appears on the phone number.  I keep to myself and don't really socialize in this area because it allows Lori too many people to fuck with.  So if someone is talking to you in text, make sure you know it isn't Lori.  She's obsessing, even more, these days now that she is a broke ass.  She thinks she's going to get me fired, but I've got news for her...I'm going to get her busted!!!

If you had to hear her, you would be getting a load of sick, mentally ill, witch in the forest, kind of feeling from her.  Seriously.  She sounds like some kind of evil witch thinking that she can pull off anything that she wants.  The trick is on her, my co-workers and family are in on it.  They know I have a stalker and they are aware that she is sick.  She calls my work and tells them things like she is a guest here and that Kevin did something against the rules that I know and abide by.  You see, if I know the rules at my employment, Lori knows them too...and her team of crackheads sits around, jobless, penniless, hopeless trying to get me fired saying that I violated something that I follow.  It's simply madness if you let it get to you.  I don't.  I simply talk to my co-workers and let them know what to watch out for.  I'll be doing this again today.

To me, this is just more of Lori LaFond showing up on my vacation with my friends.  Why is she like this?  What is her deal?  She would absolutely love it if I spent all my time thinking about these questions, but I just don't care about her enough to spend any more time on her than it takes to write these words.  She just doesn't get that I love a man...and she isn't him.

Harassing my family and my co-workers is nothing new for Lori.  That's why, when there is a "workplace violence" restraining order instigated by Lori, I just look at it like...what a piece of shit.  These were the people that Lori was partying with before my co-worker came in.  Lori had contacted this girl to get her hired at my work.  She started by causing problems with my paperwork, but then I moved to a new hotel and she followed.  This happened right after my shift.  Readers have suggested that Lori may have sent them in to hurt me.  Take a look at the end, that's blood coming out of the guy's face.  This group of friends is rumored to be "friends of Lori's".  I wonder if Margie Miller knows any of them?

I've heard that Lori stole copies of this event on video and told people that "This is what I can still have done to Kevin."  To me, that is taking credit for a violent episode at my former job.  I don't like being threatened.  I'm a peaceful and non-violent person...this is what Lori brings into my world.

Mind you, I only know the girl I worked with.  She isn't pictured in this video.  These are her friends, apparently.  I'm wondering if Lori ever propositioned them to hurt me physically?  The funny thing is this, before she started working with me, the girl that caused all these problems was seen with Lori LaFond at the local rib place and was overheard by one of my co-workers.  The girl was telling people that she had just gotten a job and all she had to do was fuck with the guy that worked the front desk.  I was tipped off by a co-worker...and had my eye on her the whole time.  She started giving away credit card reports to Lori from my auditing.  I then started keeping extra copies to prove she was doing this.

This "beat down" was courtesy of Lori LaFond according to sources that have said she sent this very same video to them taking credit for the violence Lori caused.  I was not there.