Morally Conscious

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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Lowering The Temperature Of This Pressure

You know when she's had it, at least!

Lori spent the day worrying about other problems so she was much better this afternoon for the first time in about a year.  I don't get deep sleep and there is this constant fear of getting sick when this happens.  Most of you know that my life is a worst-case-scenario thing that I've had since about 11 years old.  When I felt this bump at the top of my neck about where the neck meets the skull, I got really panicked.  I took some anti-inflammatories and it feels like a quarter of the size now..and the headache is gone!!!   I have an appt this month so we're taking my panic scale from a 10 to a 4...

One thing that has occurred it the limiting of the number of people that Lori and Brian are mean to, so the pinpoint focus of all their rage is Jonathan and me.  It gets to this point where we get all this hate, negativity and anger forced upon us when there is a team of people out there that need this to stop for them too.  Share the responsibility of defending one another as a group.  There can't be one person taking the brunt of six tweekers without someone defending these people.  I've taken a beating like you can't believe in the last few years without one bit of help.  People like Benjamin and Martin have to step up to defend people like Jonathan and me, we, in turn, make certain that they are protected by the law.

If left unchecked Lori could scream and torture for years at a time without sleep.  I know what you are thinking, nobody could do that, but Lori and Brian are exceptional tweekers, they don't sleep.

Also, Jeffrey knows some things that he isn't telling you about what I write.  If he wants to tell you about it that's fine with me.  Believe me, there is a method to my madness.  We are working on a case of a woman and man that like to pit one person against the other so "solicitation" has become an issue.  I'll let Jeffrey or Benjamin explain the rest.  The point I am making is that he can do better too.

So I've taken off my heels and I'm relaxing in my Lazy Girl.  Lori needs to start getting some better rest or she's going to have to face a better defense of people like me and Jonathan by others trying to save our lives.