Morally Conscious

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

I'm Really Sick Of Being Harassed By This Bully

Lori is trying to tell me what I can and can't say again, but if you know me, you know I'm not in the position to stop talking about this crime.  I'm the police informant that informs people.  The police have threatened me and Lori has threatened me, isn't that saying something?

There are very few people in this universe that could ever keep me from saying what I want to say, Lori LaFond isn't one of them.  It doesn't really matter who the people are that can, but I assure you that a drug dealing, disease spreading, thief sadist is going to be the person that I listen to.  Lori has gone too far again with her nightly need to take what she has done in the past and try to turn it in to her terror!  These are admissions to her past of trying to kill me and other members of my family.  I'm not about to say what she wants me to say no matter what anybody says.  If something happens to one of us, I want her squarely in the crosshairs of the law.