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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Friday, December 7, 2018

The Hardest Thing: Why Hating Lisa Means That I Love Christopher (And My Friends) More!

You could say that "Lisa" and I have a love/hate relationship, of sorts.  I love my friends and she hates me for it.

If you are new to this blog let me remind you that there once was a girl named "Lisa".  She wasn't a "real" girl, she was a woman on a microphone using some stolen computers that allow a person to talk (or scream mostly) at someone with an RFID chip in their body.  The person is real, "Lisa" is just a character that mimics the person.  In plain language, someone is pretending to be someone she's not.  I don't know of any psychoses that does that.  No this is real.  It was also common among the victims that she made to say, "I hate Lisa", but there were many variations.  "I hate Jessica", "I hate Victoria", "I hate Sara"...all characters played by the same woman on the same system.  Kind of like Tokyo Rose during the war.  Spreading propaganda throughout all the gay men and women that she implanted and infected with the AIDS virus.

From what I have gathered, all the characters played by "Lisa", had the exact same personality, hatred, goals and criminal activity.  So she'd change her name, but not her method of torture.  What I've heard is that Lori LaFond, a girl known for her hatred of gay men, was the girl behind all the characters.  You all know she thinks of herself as some kind of actress.  Not the good kind.  She forgets that no matter who she calls herself, she has the same voice.  She also has the same EEG patterns, which is something that I will talk about later, but basically, I can tell it's the same girl by the way she thinks.  I can feel it.  Her anger is distinct and the way it transmits to me, is the same person no matter what name she's using.

Jonathan Mendenhall, Anthony Dabiere, Bessie Smith, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Christopher Monti, Benjamin Katzenberg and Martin all know that Lori Jean LaFond is Lisa.  I know it too.  I know her voice.  I know her violent hatred of gay men.  I've known who she is for most of my life.  She's a problem causer.  She's a false accuser. She lies to police, judge's secretaries, district attorneys and pretty much everyone.  She lies even when she doesn't have to.  Unfortunately, like lies always do, they get crisscrossed and Lori can't keep her story together.  A bit of info here and a bit there but nobody has ever known the WHOLE TRUTH.

The first blog was for recognition by the gay community.  It was called "HateLisa".  It has recognizability with the gay men and women that were implanted and experimented upon.  On those flyers were the phone numbers of the PSPD and the field office for the F.B.I.   At the time it was to let everyone know that I am here and I know we are all fighting against this woman that spews hate from her mouth and causes false arrests under very suspicious circumstances.

Nothing gets the attention of police and F.B.I. more than the word "Hate".  Remember though, it's "Hate LISA" a character like an evil soap opera villain.  She's not real.  So the REAL "Lisa", the person would complain about these signs being an "eyesore" or misogynistic.  Everybody "Hated J.R. Ewing" on "Dallas" right?  Anyone that would come forward about these flyers or posters would be suspected of being "Lisa".  It was a technique to flush her out of hiding.  Lori Jean LaFond came forward immediately.  She wouldn't have done that for any other name.

Putting the flyers up with this blog was my way of alerting the police, F.B.I, and the victims of this crime that I was here to help them.  You can "hate" a character and still not hate a person.  It's not illegal either way, but I wanted the law enforcement community to know, "I know what this is and I know we can find her."  Soon thereafter there were other flyers going up that I didn't make.  "I Hate Lisa Too" was what they said, so I knew it was working.

From experience, I know that talking about "Lisa" prompts law enforcement to do things that aren't normal or legal.  Reporting "Jessica" to the police, never resulted in an arrest.  If it did, then Lori would simply pull out another illegal California I.D. or D.L. and she would become that new person.  So the cops could never find Jessica, that's because they weren't looking for Lori.  Lori, on the microphone with the implanted police would say something that she never says, "I don't know who Jessica is," but she is always around the men that were near Jessica.  How did Little Miss Knows Everybody not know Jessica.  Throw in that Jonathan said Lori Jean LaFond was an aggressive lesbian and the question begs, "How could she miss the ONLY girl hanging out with gay men?"

Still not the hardest thing.  The hardest thing is knowing that the more I tried to help our community, especially my friends and most special, is Christopher Monti (my co-informant, friend and bud), the more problems that Lori would cause for them.   Of course, by now, you know about the problems that Lori has already caused every member of my family.  The initial blog was for attention.  This blog is for information and the love of my family and friends.  I can't live with myself knowing that the problems my family has faced all seem to have a Lori LaFond scent.

As I expected, the REAL Lisa came forward and tried to shut that blog down.  The way she did it was in complete "Lisa" fashion.  That was the point.  I wanted to expose the person behind Lisa by letting her destroy herself with lies.  She did just that.  Lori LaFond showed her true colors by fucking with DNA results then following my friends and I to Sedona, Arizona, across state lines; stalking a police informant and his friends. 

In typical "Lisa" fashion, Lori then proceeded to cut off my ties to my police officer, Bryan Anderson and the whole department itself.  The problem was that my informant status can't be dropped because the police are involved in the crime.  My duty, and Christopher's, is to the citizens of the State of California and the people of the United States of America.  When you uncover police corruption or someone using police communication to impact a community, your job as an informant is to continue, not stop.  I needed to polarize the parents of the victims that out number the police and victim pool by two, at least.  Parent's hate "Lisa" too, they needed to know who was playing that character?  Who did this to their child?  Their investment?  Their loved one?

Would it do anyone any good if I didn't say who it was when I was told who she was by someone that worked with her?  That was Jonathan's job.  I employed him to stay inside Lori's hate factory and get as much information as possible.  He warned her to stay away from our friends.  It's a game if inside/outside.

Bottom line is that I love Christopher more than I hate "Lisa".  I could never feel as much hate for an actress as I do love for someone I know and care about.  I am simply afraid for their lives.  Lori puts me in fear for their families and their lives.  I fear for a good reason, I have decades of experience with the crimes that she commits against a family.  I have a dead brother in law because of Lori's drug dealing and meddling.  She has no business in the families that I love, including my own.  Hate Lisa was about Loving Yourself, your friends, your family and the gay community.  How could the LGBTQ community love anyone that was intentionally infecting gay men and women with HIV?  It's not possible.

Don't let Lori LaFond fool you, she knew that Christopher and I were informants the second we showed up for the job.  She even told Steven Frey that. She told Christopher that.  Jonathan knew because he was inside.  I knew that our confidentiality was only as good as "Lisa" could keep a secret.  Lori and "Lisa" can never shut their mouth.  Coming out as confidential informants actually does more to protect Christopher and myself than staying silent.  We ONLY work on this case of electronic harassment, not any other case involving drugs or dealers.  Without coming forward, Lori would have every drug addict in town, and their dealers, mad at us.  I have a good reputation with law enforcement elsewhere.  Besides, Lori and Brian, her brother, have ripped off more drug addicts, dealers and police than anyone else. You would think that someone championing our cause would suit everyone.  It does work.

Coincidentally, almost all of my friends were arrested before and after I announced my candidacy for LGBTQ Advocate for this crime.  You can't imagine how many people that Lori sent to hurt me, now love me for taking her ass on.  Shouldn't I?  I've been the kid she abused since 11 years old.  I'm not new to this person.  I've got a long list of friends that have seen her hate at work.  I'm working hard for them.  I love them more than I hate Lisa.

So this isn't a hate driven blog, it's for the love of my community.  I love this country.  I love the government.  I love law enforcement.  Hell, I love the drug addicts and dealers too.  Mostly, I just love Christopher the most.  Wouldn't you do everything you could to help the person you love most?  Your wife?  Your kids?  Your family?  It's no different that I would help my boyfriend.  So don't make it that way.

Would it have been better if I called the first blog "LoveChristopher"?  It wouldn't have worked.  I needed to flush out the girl that uses the police and justice system like a weapon of hate against the gay community.  This is about Americans.  A minority of Americans that want to count as much as every other American.  The odds were stacked against us, so I went for something bigger than myself.  Isn't that the job of the advocate?  Sure I have all the stuff that shows that the police are lying and covering up my rape, but there are other rapes.  Lots of them.  Everyone has a story.  I became an advocate for my people, so I could love one man.

Lori has a tendency to tell people that I once worked for her "organization" too.  I had to come out strong with a "No I Don't Work For Lisa" policy.  I couldn't afford to let Christopher think that I would ever help the girl that hurt the two of us and our friends so much.    I would never know or work with Lori LaFond.  I know what she is capable with that mouth of hers.  I work for the victims of this crime and the police. She does the opposite.  She isn't helping law enforcement by committing crimes and selling drugs...she deserves no benefit for targeting any human being, but in our case, she hates gay men with a passion.  That makes this crime of violence a hate crime.  The only way to get a chip inside of someone without their consent is to rape them.  Look at the law.  Microwave technology from the military is a weapon.  That makes this system a terrorist act.

The terror in our community in Palm Springs and all across this country, even the world, has lasted for far too long with too high a price.  This isn't just for gays, it's for the majority of the victims around the world that aren't gay.  It's for YOUR family that I stop this crime as soon as possible.

I use to say, "HateLisa Love Yourself" but now I say "Love Your Community More Than You Hate Lisa", it works better that way.

Naturally, I expected Lori to then try to contact the parents and victims that I have as my team.  It is a parent coalition after all.   Lori's plan was to be able to "make herself" sound presentable.  I knew that if I made this about families, she wouldn't stand a chance. She knew it too, so I figured she would try to approach someone like Jeffrey Katzenberg to try to speak out against me.  That's all part of the plan.  Solicitation is Lori's worst enemy.  I've already got emails and letters from Lori pretending to be Jonathan's family and Christopher's family all written in the usual hateful Lori style.  You can tell when Lori writes's always hurtful and childish.  There is never anything like, "Thank you for being such a good friend to Christopher."  It's always, "Christopher doesn't love you and he never wants to hear from you again."

Christopher would never say that and the things she wrote on behalf of pastor Mendenhall didn't show much love between him and the son that loves him very much.  It was about death, not going to his own son's funeral (a pastor?), and a whole lot of telling everyone that she knew who his family was.  Toss in the word "ransom" inside that letter and what you have is a demand for money from his family.  Extortion in a death notice?  What the criminal was doing here is obvious, she's telling Jonathan's family, "I know who you are.  I know where you work.  I can do anything I want to your son and you can't do anything about it."

All of Lori's communications, pretending to be other people, are self serving.  They aren't the kinds of things that a family member would send to a friend.  I am a friend without question.

She was sending all of us a warning about her alleged "POWER"; I saw an instant opportunity to capitalize on her lies.  My friends' families love their kids.  Someone is making them look bad.  I don't like it at all.

So when you read this blog, read it knowing that it is a tool for friendship and a mandate about my love for Christopher Monti.  Lori has told people and the court, that I've become "obsessed with her", that's not the case at all.  The victims of this crime wanted to know who was behind it.  I'm the only one with a history with this girl dating back to the 1980's.  I am obsessed with Christopher's happiness and freedom from this crime, it has nothing to do with being sexually obsessed or otherwise with Lori.  She's the meanest person with the most hate and opportunity to commit this crime.  Ask the police.  They know her too.