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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Theft and Conversion of Government Computers: 18 U.S.C. 641

Back in the 1980's when Lori and Brian LaFond stole the computers from the United States Navy that contained the access to a military server that read the EEG's of pilots and translated their thoughts to words, they probably never thought that in 2018, those computers would be used to link them to the theft and conversion of innocent men's thoughts into financial security.  In other words, these computers, once meant for government use with government employees and families, were converted from a communication system to a Ponzi scheme meant for profit.

Lori is always looking for investors and she's hand drawn more pyramid Ponzi style schematics than a mafia boss in a movie.  "My brother and I are at the top of the pyramid, but for a small donation of $3,000, you can be included in the middle tier."  When she explains all of this she doesn't really tell anyone where the money comes from that they make though.  It's all a cloud of nothingness.  The money they make is from who invests and who they can implant and steal from.  If you know Lori and Brian, they aren't about to split that among the other blocks in the pyramid.  There isn't a quarterly report...and nobody ever gets anything but Lori and Brian.  Their friends are paid in drugs and in squat houses that they rent under false names.

Profit they did.

Two siblings have spent the past 35 years using these stolen computers and RFID chips placed inside of unwilling participants, as a way to make a living.  I've heard Lori tell me that a million times.  "This is my family's business," she cackles every time she feels like we've moved forward another step.  What I am really telling you is that my business (personal) is her BUSINESS (way to make a living.)  The theft of my saving's account is one way to show that this is how Lori and her friends earn a living by defrauding people out of their own family's bank accounts under very false circumstances.

The crime of stealing and converting government property for financial gain is very illegal.  The stakes are very high.  With the amount of money stolen from victims, banks, health clinics and family members of the victims, Lori and Brian and friends are looking at a very very very long time in jail.  It couldn't happen to a happier group of drug addicts.  18 U.S.C.641 is what Chelsea Manning was prosecuted under and sentenced to prison for 35 years, but her sentence was commuted after only 7.  That is a different situation in our case.  The conversion of this system from pilot communication to electronic harassment/hate crime surveillance allowed both Lori and Brian to continue to run a drug dealing operation and it served as a way to protect themselves from law enforcement.  A quid pro quo seems to have been agreed to, "We will give you the names and locations of gay men that are selling, using and distributing drugs, if you will look the other way when one of us is arrested."   That was expanded to covering up a rape in my case.  I'm sure it was stretched to include many illegal operations by implanted officers at the Palm Springs Police Department.

Lori and Brian have no visible income for 35 years.  They have no tax record.  No social security benefits.  Nothing.  How do two siblings survive for so long?  They steal their way through life.  Lori can't keep from spending all the money on drugs and porn and there is no nest egg left after 35 years.

I was just told that Lori and Missy planned to have Missy's family's phone numbers all forwarded so that Missy and her family couldn't have that long overdue talk about what she stole from me.  Now would be the time for them to talk to their cell phone provider and have all of their numbers re-attached to their own phones from wherever Lori forwarded them.  Now, it would appear, that they can't do it any longer.  Why would Missy do something like that?  Drugs.  It's that simple.  When you are a drug addict with a dream, sometimes it's hard to "wake up and smell the coffee."

Who knows what the truth is coming from that stink hole of a home?  You can't really believe anything that Missy or Lori come up with.  Most of the time all you really hear is the same old song and dance from the two of them.   It's always been a match made in Hell and the two of them are still whacko on drugs!  

This new development that you will read about in the post below does alleviate some of the problems for victims' families.  No longer will Lori be able to look up social security numbers and cc's.  She won't be able to check credit for family members either.  This could mean that theft in our area is about to rise, however so I am concerned that we aren't doing enough locally to prevent Lori from going on another burglary spree.  Everything they own is stolen.  They couldn't own anything they haven't ever made any money legally.  It's either drug proceeds or the proceeds from the conversion of government computers and technology for their own financial gain.