Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Insanely Jealous: Every Relationship Between Two Or More People Makes Lori Go Crazy!!!

When you hear the stories that Lori has told people over the years it is clear to see that she used my good image to engage in a conversation (one way conversations mostly) with people that I am friendly with.  You see, since I was a kid, Lori has always been interested in the girls that I was friendly with.  I have no sexual attraction to these girls, obviously, I love men, but Lori's inability to be friendly with them was quickly ruined when she tried to sleep with their boyfriends.  I never commented on that.  The girls, however, did come to me and tell me all about what Lori was like.  The competition, Lori felt, would be won if she would do something that they wouldn't.  Sex.  My friends were good kids and sex wasn't really on their minds like Lori's.

It was easier for Lori to blame me for her lack of success with women.  Just like now, she's not having the relationship she wants with Missy because she thinks I had something to do with it.  I don't even know that girl except for the things that Lori has said about her.  It's like Lori wants to start a competition between Lori and me over this lesbian.  I'm good with the whole lesbian thing but as far as competing with Lori, that doesn't happen.  Basically anyone that would be attracted to Lori isn't someone that I would want to be friends with.  Lori just likes to throw the "lesbian card" every time she thinks that she was slutty enough in high school to counter act that.  Look people, just because Lori had sex with boys in high school does not prevent her from being a lesbian now...or a heterosexual woman.  I'm not concerned with Lori's sexuality, just what her sexuality has done to my friends and family.  If violence against me, my family or my friends is her sexuality, then I am opposed to it.  Other than that...there is a concern for the public's safety.

For years Lori would show up to my class reunions and other events bad mouthing me for all these terrible things that "she knew I was doing."  I had no idea she had such an interest in my life.  Then I started to think about all the people that had been following me.  Only they would have known what I was up to.  They followed me and my roommates all the time.  They knew what I was doing and they were the only ones that could have been passing this information on to my friends and especially my sister, who Lori remains jealous of until this very day.  I should also say that my sister doesn't really have a "friendship" with Lori.  It's more like and "ambush and inform session" which is even more sick when you consider that this is the girl that ordered my shooting in San Diego and caused the death of my brother in law by stirring up a situation that didn't exist.  It's pure Lori Fantasy, like it always is.

In the case of my brother in law, remember he was getting meth from Lori.  When he started using again, my sister was faced with a choice that I heard my mother and father give her.  "Either you have to move out or we'll take the kids because it is too dangerous to have meth in the home."  My sister agreed but she was moving out of the house so that she and my brother in law could work out the meth thing.   Lori overheard that entire conversation and knew that she could fuck with them.  She kept selling him meth and instigating a problem.  My sister, a teacher, couldn't afford to have a husband using meth so the solution was that she would move into another home while he dealt with his problem.  Like I said, it wasn't about "another man", it was about the kid's safety.

Lori then proceeded to listen to conversations between Bryan Anderson and my sister where Lori would learn about what my sister wanted to know.  She wanted to know where he was getting his meth in Palm Springs?  She asked Bryan.  Lori then got worried.  What if Lori, the girl that had been tattletaling on me for years, was actually the drug dealer?  I already knew she was.  My brother in law told me.  So now Lori goes into "cause a problem mode".  Rather than just stop selling him drugs, Lori decided to keep pushing them his way then lie about some relationship between my sister and Lori's uncle.  Playing one against the other, Lori would text my brother in law about what she knew...or rather, what she lied about.  It caused a few instances of violence too.  A gun to my sister's head.  Running my sister off the road.  Finally Lori directed my brother in law to her uncle's wife's home, sent her uncle over there, and told my brother in law where he would be.  This is how Lori caused that death.

There wasn't an affair behind the back of anyone.  Lori even told lots of people that she was "practically a member of MY FAMILY".  That's all a lie.  Lori loves to cause problems when she can.  Unfortunately Lori is a ruthless and heartless drug dealer that pushes drugs on people to ruin their lives, though her own life is a massive failure.  There is evidence of this crime.  Text messages to be read.  Photographs of prowess and control.  I'm just here to tell all of you.  This is what I've found out.  I have every right to tell you because my knowledge about the drug dealing gave her motive to try to kill me at Steven Frey's home.  I'll bet Steven has heard of my sister and Lori's uncle.

Years later, Lori would send David and Missy over to my sister's home with Bessie Smith to defraud her out of my own saving's account.  To make it look like Lori was "nice" she returned a stolen tool belt from my dad's residence.  She claimed it was from a job that my dad did at Lori's mother's house.  That's all bullshit too.  It was stolen with other items and was returned as some way of making Lori look like she didn't write those two emails from Laurie Johnson.  The ones filled with hatred for my father, mother and family.  The same emails that admit to following me for money.

At this point I don't care what Lori has to say about me or even if she tries to act like some kind of innocent victim.  I want it to be a part of what I use to either defend myself or prosecute her.  So let her go get another restraining order.  I have no intention of being anywhere near her.  I would not physically harm her or anyone in her family.  Most of them are friends with my family anyway.  Personally, I would avoid any contact with a relative of Lori's because Lori spies on me and would make their lives a living Hell.  She may have already done that with the other Lori LaFond.

My personal belief is that there is evidence that someone is trying to kill me.  I'd written about it for years before the shooting, but it goes back to when I was first infected with HIV without having sex or using needles.  There was a desire by someone to hurt me.  Then the shooting years later, then the gay bashing at my then boyfriend's home...and subsequent cover up.  It has to be someone associated with the PSPD.  Lori has bragged for decades about working for the police.  She said she was married to Bryan Anderson, my police contact and sister's friend.  Lori is living in some kind of odd violent sexual fantasy world that makes her feel like she is somehow in control of my sister and control of my life.  It has to stop.  I have nothing to do with Lori.  Wouldn't want to.  I'm a positive, upbeat, funny, intelligent person.  Lori is the opposite.  She's unfriendly.

Then there was the second husband...that's a whole different story but still the same.  Lori is trying to cause problems.  She lives for it.  All I do is write about what I know because of who I am and what I've been through.  How else do you catch a ghost?  She threatens people all the time.  Lori does not work for the police.  I do.

Her need to keep this secret about her involvement in my brother in law's death, my shooting and then rape was so great that she traveled to Sedona, Arizona on my vacation to a time share my family had at the Sedona Summit.  She was there to "eliminate the problem" or "finish the job" that she started in Palm Springs and San Diego.  That was her motivation for being in Arizona following a police informant and victim of several violent crimes.

Jonathan Mendenhall knows it is true.  So do other people that Lori bragged to about her brother being a "hitman for the mafia".  Lori used that as some kind of scare tactic to keep her drug dealing safe.  I know of others that were also told that Lori's brother would "kill his family" if he told me about him.  In fact, Steven Frey, once told me that himself, then lied to my father about it the next day.  We can prove it too.  I was taped and recorded and so was Steven.  I'm sure Jonathan's heard that before too and I know that all of my friends' families have been feeling threatened in the past.  Even Missy Pussy's mother and father must feel some kind of threat.  David's parents and family too.  Lori loves to threaten people and I can tell you, sometimes she goes through with it too.  A bullet and a bashed in skull prove that I am the victim of violent crime...what about Lori?

Certainly I think it is better to know the WHOLE story rather than the one that was left with my family to bear.  We've carried a lot of weight of this criminal girl's consequences, but my brother in law's life isn't just on my shoulders, it's on Bessie Smith's and Bryan Anderson's to tell the truth about Lori LaFond.  I think it is one of the worst things to have been so indirectly involved in all of that, yet I remain the main character of Lori's continued rage.  I did nothing.  If anything I helped to supply her with drugs long after my brother in law's death.  I didn't know they were for her, but they sure got there after we picked them up.  Yes, I use to do stuff for a drug dealer, but mostly I was just his friend.

Lori's stories that she goes around and tells people are fabrications.  They are fantasies.  There isn't anyone fact checking her lies, but all of you can fact check mine.  I don't need to lie.  I lived through the worst of the worst situations that Lori could dream up and make happen.  At this point it's more about telling the truth so that other people don't fall victim to her blood lust.  She's a different person than the evil bitch that she shows people in public.  She's even worse in private.  She's never nice.  Like you wouldn't go into a party and see her with a smile on her face...she's the girl in the coat closet digging through people's belongings.  She's the wasted mess that throws a drink on the floor just to break the glass and cause a scene.  She's the fit thrower that probably broke all the dishes in her parent's home...that's what the experts tell me.  Lori is a paper plate and plastic fork kind of person, you wouldn't trust her with anything else.

I have a reason for everything that I've done.  If the police weren't so obviously involved with Lori and her brother with this wireless communication, it would be easy to tell them more about this crime.  They threatened me not to.  I was literally taken into a room with two officers and was threatened with an arrest if I called them any more about the Steven Frey investigation...that investigation was my rape case!!! When is a victim of rape told not to call the police.  I was afraid for my life.  I can't help it if Lori and Steven had a drug dealer/drug supplier relationship that I wasn't aware of.  If I had known Steven was selling her drugs, I would have told him about her.  It was a secret that Lori made Steven keep.  She threatened violence if he didn't and I know that I saw her brother in Steven's home while Steven was knocked unconscious.  Steven thinks that Brian's name is Stephen.  He calls him "Evil Stephen #1".  Our friend, Jackson Velin also knows Brian LaFond by this name.  Lori and Brian put them through the same kind of Hell that Christopher and I were put through.

It's all true...people just have to look and treat witnesses like they aren't threatening them for Lori.