Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Going To The Police Again? Lori Threatens Me Again Tonight!

It would appear that Lori LaFond is mad at me and my friends again.  She doesn't like me telling you what she says to me.  I think she expects everyone that hears her to not do anything while she makes up some more lies for the police.  I am not afraid.

Any attempt to do that will focus attention on her and her brother.  There are enough people that have been in contact with her in the last few years here that I am certain they could corroborate my story.  Her own cousins are easily talked to.  A restraining order wouldn't keep that from happening.  I think that it is important to tell all of you this to show her that I'm not the least bit afraid of her lying to the police since the last lies she told would come up.

I'm the kind of person that tackles a problem head on.  That's the way sober people do it.  I know that I'm doing what the law requires that I do in the situation that I am in with the PSPD and with others.  I can't live with myself knowing that I could have done more to help people in this situation.  I try my best to keep her from hurting people but she will not stop harassing me thinking that remote neural monitoring is so secret.  I have emails from her too.  They threaten me for being an informant.  Sounds like what a drug dealer would do.

At any rate I am letting you know that I am ready for action now!  The courtroom is where I feel the safest.

Once again, I am seeking a peaceful and non violent solution to this crime.  Nobody should commit a criminal act against Lori.  If you do, I will be after you too.  This is my job and I'm not here to hurt anyone.  There is no justice in hurting someone.  I warn people to be careful because there is a high chance of tuberculosis being passed from Lori to another person.  I have experience with this person and I know that she is not above spreading a communicable disease on purpose.

Would everyone please pray that the lies will stop.  I've been through way too much with this informant stuff and I just want a life alone without Lori in it.  I didn't ask for this.  I didn't want to ever see this person again in my life.  I literally ran from the town I live in now back when I graduated from high school because of what she caused.  It's time for me to be a real person again.