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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

(Simpson's Theme playing), The Johnson's: Sideshow Christian's Romp Through Palm Springs, California

The last time I saw Christian Johnson, aka Sideshow Chris, he was outside of my home, on camera, robbing my niece's car.  I've shown you the picture of him before, but this isn't the first time he's tried to get too close to me or my family.  Oh, no.  This is just another person that Lori has risen to the same level of sickness that she's achieved.  It's about a seventh grade level of maturity with a mouth that is just as big as his drug addiction to needles and meth.  I'm so happy to bring you this post for all the people that he set up to be infected with the HIV virus.

Christian is just about as likely to shoot himself in the foot as he is in the arm with a needle prepared by Lori LaFond for him.  The only surprising thing about Christian is that Lori and he are so alike.  Both willing to hurt their families physically to try to rule the world.  So if Christian is Sideshow Bob, then that would make Lori LaFond, Krusty.  Boy is she perfectly Krusty.  Two idiots living together willing to sacrifice their own families to do drugs and hurt other people.  We all know that Sideshow Bob wants to kill Bart Simpson, and that is exactly what Sideshow Chris is here to do to me.

Of course, Lori has had the poor idea of telling everyone that "she doesn't know anybody named Christian."   She also doesn't know "Junior" either but she loves to wear his jockstrap.  Just ask Jonathan Mendenhall, he wrote about Junior's jockstrap before, so you know I'm not lying.  Lori loves to parade herself around wearing this filthy athletic supporter covered in DNA from the victims of her crimes.  Christian likes to keep it safe for her, but we got it anyway.  Labs are afraid to touch it, it's so smothered with feces, blood, menstrual cycle and whatever else she did to torture the men she raped.

As usual the story begins with a blond woman.  Christian's sister, Tracy.  Now we all know that Lori is a "percentage lesbian" and a "pecentage not" but it would seem that if you have a blond sister, the percentages for "girl on girl" is much higher.  Um, if you believe in that percentage stuff.  Personally, I've had the blond sister that Lori's tried to "get on" for years.  She's even destroyed her first marriage by setting up a justifiable homicide for the shooter, but that's not all there is to Lori's problem causing.  You see if you know someone has a gun to protect himself and you send a person over to threaten that person, then you are guilty of the homicide and that is NOT justifiable.  To make matters worse, Lori and Christian then found the kids of the shooter and did something to the two of them.  Was it "everything" that she usually does?  Who knows?  I do know that it landed the two of them in jail.  You know Lori's "family" values, they become a bit gray when it comes to drugs and torture.

So do Christian's.  How could you possibly live with someone like Lori that implanted and infected your own father and sister?  Christian has had no problem with it whatsoever!  "So what if Lori did this to them," Christian says.  Is there anyone out there that can't draw a straight line to what she is trying to do here with my family?  I can.  Here is my father that she's already accused of being a child molester and my sister whose relationships she's decimated.  Literally killed her husband by selling him drugs and pushing him towards a loaded gun with lies.  The death was memorialized by a visit from Lori to her aunt's home to see the bloody sidewalk, photographed and tagged, by Lori, "beautiful sidewalk".  Bryan Anderson brought her to that home.

Lori has already sent three lackeys over to visit with my sister and defraud her out of my bank account.  She's already pretended to be a buyer for the home my sister was living in and had my sister move out of.  Then there was the suggestion that she move into a home where Lori already has the keys to open the door and rape again.  Think I'm lying?  Think again.  What I can show is that Lori and Brian have been in my sister's home before, many times.  They've sprayed blood red nail polish all over the family portraits that hung in her house.  The pair stole mail, yearbooks, clothing, bills, money and a diamond tennis bracelet that cost a lot of money.  Lori is setting up another rape and infection/implantation.   She tries to text my sister using Bessie Smith's phone number but nobody from Jeffrey's home is doing anything about it.

Under the watchful eye of Missy Pussy, the siblings went to my parent's home too and broke into my trailer, their cars and stole wedding rings, bank cards and other items.  This can only be accomplished by watching me to see if anyone is home.  I don't go to family functions because that would mean the home I live in is cleared of people.  When I called to attention that the tool belt my dad owned for his entire construction career was stole out of the back of his truck, Lori's two friends, David and Missy Pussy, with their co conspirator, returned the evidence with some cockamamie story about Lori "finding it" at her mother's home that my father worked at many years ago.  She doesn't realize that he uses that tool belt every day.  Hundreds of times since he worked at Lori's mom and dad's home.  In fact, I think the last time he worked there it was to fix something that Lori and Brian had broken.  How convenient and stupid.

The mistakes that Lori has made in using Sideshow Chris are many.  There aren't many long term gay men that haven't met Christian before in Palm Springs.  She use to send him out to entrap men into being drugged.  He would steal keys or steal whatever Lori wanted him to do.  Leave doors or windows open, talk shit about someone else, find people to bring to Lori (like David the Chickenhawk).  You see I have several homicidal maniacs living near me all high on meth.  There isn't one of the six that has a brain in their heads.  Not one.  These were some of the people that Jeffrey thought were so wonderful for so many years, now they live with her.  The drug dealer.

Just remember everyone we all have an obligation to stop Christian too.  He's just as evil and just as hateful and just as eager to please Lori.  I've never seen a more gutless man in my life.