Morally Conscious

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Well At Least There's Something Good About Being Gay...LOL

Yeah?  And I suppose "black" is the new "woman" and "Muslim" is the new "gay".  It all just seems so rare that anyone ever just is who they are and people like them for it.

There seems to be some kind of stigma attached to whatever you do these days.  You can't be too much this way or that way and if you have an opinion, which I am told is the best answer, you had better make sure that your opinion appeals to everyone...if not, Disney will fire you.  This is the same company that did "Songs of the South" with Uncle Remus and the tar baby.  Apparently Disney can atone for their sins and become a better company while a director can't.  It's always something different isn't it?

If gay was the new black that would be a bad thing?  We've had black gay people in our minority since we were a minority, but in terms of acceptance and equality, I think the black community has it right..."we won't accept this any longer and black lives matter."  In our community we never accepted it and black lives were pretty much as accepted as anyone else's.  Yes, there is racism and bigotry in everyone's opinions and may not come across this way but unless you are attracted to everyone you see, then you are lying to yourself.  There is a fine line between bigotry and taste.  The problem isn't's when police start making those decisions for us and take matters into their own hands.  Society as a whole needs equality.  Whether or not we can do that is a different situation.  Look at the Romans, they never achieved anything like equality...and they fell too.  This country is no where near the age of Rome...don't expect change to come without some effort.

To be frank about it, there has to be an effort made to make people equal.  That was God's intent anyway.  God created us equal...what happens afterwards is a human thing.  It would be nice if everyone was treated the same way but that begins with you.  Everyone has the right to be here and feel safe.  I don't think there is anyone that looks at the situation as it currently stands with the victims of this crime that can say they "made the effort for equality" when it comes to the victims.  If you can't feel for a person whose very thoughts are stolen from their heads and are jailed without one bit of legally obtained evidence, then perhaps we all don't deserve freedom.  Freedom is a gift.  Thinking for yourself, by yourself, is innate.  A mother doesn't know what her baby is thinking when it is born, she has to learn that.  What has happened to us is color blind, religion blind, but it does have to do with our sexuality.  Would you like to have your thoughts read because you were black or Muslim?  No and I would support you in that.  This is a clear case of hate crime and it is perpetuated by people that can't decide if it is worth it or not because of money.

If this isn't worth it, then nothing is.

If what God gave you as a gift, to choose your own path, isn't worth fighting for, then nothing is.

Don't think that a sociopath reading your mind can take that gift, think again.  The choices that a person makes is internal, with external factors, none of which has to do with thinking about, "What will Lori do if I make this decision?"  Nobody needs a personally appointed antagonist in their life, nonetheless a serial killer.  This isn't a matter of a girl that simply tells people the secrets you have that someone told you or that she overheard.  This is a woman that directs your entire life down the drain.  That's not what God intended by giving us the will to choose.  Certainly SHE has the will to choose...but the victim does not.  The problems that occur range from rape, child pornography, attempted murder and many many others.  This is like having Jeffrey Dahmer stalking me...just waiting.

I miss being gay.  I miss my friends and what it was like to have them around me.  I miss having a community that lives with one another in harmony.  There was a lot of good that came from where I came from to where I went, now here.  It's no secret, I hate the fuck out of the desert.  I don't like the people and I don't like the heat.  I don't like the memories and I don't like having to live with my parents who have no clue what was stolen from me.  Nothing.  I say I miss being gay because where we're from, it isn't something good.  It's a horrible disease that everyone hates....that's why Lori is perfect for this area.  She hates every gay man that was ever born, starting with her brother.

I often wonder if it wouldn't have been better to have been hit by the bullet in my car that night...nobody should know what I do and have so little help.

What has happened here was a crime of hate, opportunity and profit.  Yes, here, in Palm Springs, California, illegal "remote neural monitoring" was a hate crime against the gay community, but I submit this, what it really is,  is a hate crime against humanity.  What is innately human about who we are...beyond skin color, religious belief or sexuality, is human and that means we get to choose for ourselves without the interference of someone else knowing that choice and destroying the outcome.

This is for humanity...not for just the gays.  Make no mistake about it.  If we let one minority fall to the will of a drug dealing sociopath, another minority will be next.  A hate crime against humanity and God's creations.