Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Silly Lezzies, When You're Gay, Dicks Are For Dudes...I Think You Know What That Means!

Don't you just love when Lori tells one of her stupid jokes about gay men and you all learn that she lives with two lesbians, two gay men and Asshole David (more gay than a $3 bill during pride, on a float with glitter on his penis)?  You know the one where Lori tells everyone how many gay men she can sit on a bar stool or how God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve?  Hardy har har har, Lori, you are so stupid!!!

It's no wonder why three of America's meanest lesbians, behind lots of the electronic harassment in Palm Springs, California, are all single!!!  Amazing to think that three gal pals, that never do anything but harass gay men, day and night, are single.  Can you imagine the lesbian girlfriend of any of these girls thinking, "Yeah, my girlfriend spends all day looking at what gay men are thinking about them."  How sad.   It makes me want to say, "Silly lesbians, dicks aren't for you".

Not that most lesbians would even want to think about one.

It then would make sense that the three men that live with these three lesbians are about the most female of men that you will ever meet.  (Sorry ladies, I know most of you aren't like Dave, Brian and Christian.)  These "semi men" are all being trained by these girls on how to act like petty, gossipy, bitchy half men that do things like talk about other guy's relationships and try to break them up.  I'm just saying that these boys are the kind that most men, wouldn't like in the first place.  So in that home, you have three girls that love girls that can't stop bothering gay men and three gay men that can't stop taking advice from girls that know virtually nothing about men.

If you need advice about a man, you don't go looking for Missy, Leah F. and Lori...these girls won't even call it a "MEN" strual cycle, they hate men so much.  They're the kinds of gals that can't seem to figure out that other lesbians aren't attracted to women that have this much to do with any man's love life.  Eww...for all you lesbian sisters in the LGBTQ community that don't understand what Missy and Leah's problem is.  Gay men never hurt you.  You got what you got from Lori, not us.  If you have a problem with what Lori gave to you...and I can assure you it was none of us, then why can't you take it out on her, instead of kissing her ass all the time?

Frankly, my boyfriend and I could do with a lot less "vagina training" than we've had to endure.  We don't need to know about your hormones, your periods, your vaginas and all that boobie stuff that Lori keeps preaching to us.  There are some gay men that can look at a vagina without getting ill...and some of us that don't want to know about even that much.  I'm not against vagina's, I just have absolutely no need for one in my life.  It's just not necessary.  When you have a sister or family that is female, it isn't about their vagina's's about being a girl in our family.  No, we don't think of them the way you've force your brother to think about you...because we aren't into sex with siblings...(I just heaved up a bit while typing that).  It's gross.  It's illegal.  It's not something that we've ever thought about before or ever will.  To have Lori pursuing our sisters and female family members is even sicker than you all know.  Think about that conversation with your family. "Hey sis, I have a lesbian stalker that wants to have sex WITH YOU."  Is this the thing that Missy, Lori and Leah are in to?

Missy has already met with my sister.  Lori forces her way into her life all the time and causes problems with her husbands.  What do these two really think they are going to do?

Every single day that I live here, Lori goes crazy about "doing something" to one of my female family members.  This is nuts.  She doesn't know them, but she's is all into their business online and facebook.  She reads their texts and figures out where they are living.  They aren't homosexuals...I am.  The problem that Lori has, apparently is that since she is who she is, has a brother that is like he is, she thinks she's going to convert a female family member into lezzie-ing out.  It's not happening.  While I would be proud of any family member of mine being gay, not a single one of them would ever be allowed to be friends with Lori and her coven of sisters....EWWWWW!

Lori has also expressed an interest in Christian's sister, my sister, Barbara and her sister and all kinds of kinky weird stuff.  Let me shoot this down right now.  Lori LaFond and her old lesbian coven of girls (including her brother) are not now nor will they ever be, involved with my family...sexually or otherwise.

We all know what an embarrassment it is to the LGBTQ community that Lori and her lesbian friends are so in to hurting gay men.   The big kicker is that Lori did this to them too...they know it and still come for us.  How do I know?  I've been here for 10 years now and they are still with Lori and torturing gay men. If this isn't what they like doing, don't you think that they would leave?  Addiction makes you do crazy things...meth is one of the worst.

Girls, here's a hint...girls that like girls, don't spend all their time hating boys.

Here's a joke for Lori:

How many gay men can Lori fit on a barstool?

Answer, none, because when she flips it over, she claims that every leg of the stool is her boyfriend and she's having an unsafe sex party with it...then Brian comes over and removes the stool for her (instead of pushing it in for her this time). Brian then breaks off two of the bar stool legs and tells everyone that these are "his boyfriends" and Lori and Brian proceed to fight over each individual one.  Lori then takes a marker and writes the names of my friends on the barstools to pretend that each one is their penis and they trade back and forth.  Isn't that funny "Adam and Steve"?

You and your brother are embarrassing to the gay community.  Your whole household has done nothing for the LGBTQ  community and you are all the most incredibly bigoted and hypocritical homosexuals that I've ever heard of.  Shame on all of you...may only the opposite sex be attracted to you for the rest of your lives!!! 

Gay pride!!!

Here Lori, get excited...I think they like you!!!  Look how hard they are!!!

Now how do you feel about your stupid jokes about homosexual men?