Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Making This Blog Work For YOU

While working on this project, after people see it, I am often told that I "have a nice tool".  Yep, I'm proud of it.  The blog I mean.


Often times, I've tried to explain the significance of what this blog represents.  First of all, I am not a blogger, persay.  Nobody should spend their entire life working on something that is basically a page talking about yourself or something you like to do.  Do it!  Rather than read about it, I'd say, "Do it!"  So blogging to me was a foreign thing.  I didn't read them.  I didn't want one.  I didn't even really know what it was.

Now that I've already been restrained for my blog I realize what a powerful tool it can be.  A nice one too.

Having a powerful tool was born out of absolute necessity.  I can't tell you what it is like when you are cut off from your family while living in Palm Springs, California.  It's true.  Think about it.  If you were living in Palm Springs and you needed help, you would probably call home or a friend.  If Lori is reading your mind, she knows, almost instantly who you are going to call.  She can either forward their phone so it seems like you have called the wrong number or she can forward your phone so you don't get a reply or a message.  Either way it is a source of great concern for me to think that someone that needed help, that can't turn to the police, can't go anywhere else.  It is a no win situation when it comes to the gay male victims of this crime.  There is nowhere to turn.

If you go to the police, Lori will contact one of "her officers" and they will intercept you at the front of the headquarters.  Just ask Anthony Dabiere.  If you call your mom or sister and are lucky enough to get through, she'll forward your phone to one of hers and intercept the message.  Possibly she'll even text them with a request for money.  It's one of those horrible things that happens that keeps good people from getting help.  I should know, I've even had Lori forward the pay phone from the holding cell in protective custody at the Indio County Jail.  Lori doesn't want these victims to get help and her brother isn't much different.  He's been known to call the victim's parents and tell them that if they pay him, he'll keep them informed about the victim's activities.  I've seen the phone number and name in my own parent's home.  My parent's don't know Brian, but he was pretending to be "Edgar".  It's ridiculous.

Controlling who talks to who was part of my problem in working on this crime.  Think about it.  Most victims don't realize that when they email their families that Lori or Brian will log into their email accounts and delete whatever correspondence they get from anyone.  In short the solution to keeping this problem in a place where police and public can both see it, isn't very easy.  Even blogging has it's shortcomings.  If Lori, for example, stole my password for my blog, it could cause me not to post stuff.  This is why she had her cousins come to my home and steal a USB stick with my information on it.  I know she did this because then Lori took videos from that disc and sent them to Jonathan telling him about what was on that movie.  It wasn't porn or anything, just a fight from my work that Lori took responsibility for starting.  It's weird.

If this blog should ever be taken offline, you can bet that the only person that has ever tried to do that was Lori LaFond.  That's a fact.  She told Anthony to tell me to take his name off of this blog and I did so.  The problem comes when people don't understand the usefulness of what this blog is.  It is a tool with a capital "T" on it.

First it began as a way for me to keep in contact with Christopher or his family. He was in danger after becoming an informant simply because he helped me and Bryan.  Lori hates both of us.  So I tried to give advice here where Lori couldn't amend it or change it into something it's not.  Oh she's already tried things like telling my sister that I wrote that "I would put a bullet through her head" on it.  That was never said.  She's done things like tell the court that I was going to harm her because I used the business idiom, "her head is on the chopping block" when she was telling me that she was fired from the police department.  That became something like Lori telling the court that I said her mother's head was on the chopping block.  Here's another truth, that was never said and I didn't even know that her mother or father was still alive for a long time.  The stuff that she makes up isn't what it appears to be.  This is a peaceful and non-violent approach to protecting the public.  It's far better than what the PSPD has ever tried to do!  They know this is happening and protect the person that does it.  So going to them is worthless.

The tool was for communication.  This is a problem that I've called "the lines of communication".  For a long time Lori owned all of them.  The U.S. Mail, the email system and the phone system.  If all of these could be tampered with, how would a target ever reach help?  It's the problem that many victims have had.  How would you communicate to the rest of the world that this was happening to you?  Go on television, I did that.  Go on television again, I did that again.  You can see how the police department feels about me, a rape victim..."...has mental issues" is what they said, but they all know about hearing voices too.  Isn't this defamation of a crime victim?  On television?  Not good. Christopher was put through the same humiliation when he was arrested.  He was on the news and in the paper.  It was a smear job.

What many of you don't understand is the lengths that Lori and Brian go to make these victims look awful.  It's not just what they lie to the police when it comes to their target.  It's how much effort goes into making their families think the worst too.  I could not believe the damage that Lori did to my family when I was working for the Dept of Justice.  There was no way I was the kind of person that they were treating me like...but without being around, Lori tends to harp on things then add just a touch of the truth from her spying.  You see I could go to Big Bear with a colleague and Lori would know it, but what she does is say something like, "I know he went to Big Bear and was doing drugs the whole time."  See the Big Bear part is true, but if she was right about where I went, what would make people believe that the rest wasn't true.  I'm not an Instagram, Twitter or Facebook person so it isn't online what I am up to.  Lori would tell my sister things like her brother knew my friends and he found out, "X, Y and Z" about me.  It's all from using this system to have enough truth to make a story believable.  Not what the real truth is.

You see, I can tell you what Lori says to me as much as I want to, but the truth is that you have to prove that she is using this information about you that she has learned to effect a negative outcome.  Remember that restraining order.  You can't imagine the kind of detail that she put into it.  I could never have done anything like that because I am not reading her mind.  In fact, I don't know enough about her to even have something like that served.  That's because I'm not stalking her.   That's why I asked if anyone knew where to find her on facebook all those years ago.  Lori, on the other hand knows all about my car that I drive, the make, model and color, the VIN number, the license plate, where my sister lived, where my parents lived, my driver's license number...all kinds of information that I would never have about her.  This comes from remote neural monitoring or a police officer handing her this information.  She says that the only cop she knows is "Bryan Anderson" from a four year relationship.

If I was her attorney, I would have been wondering, "For someone that hasn't seen or known this person since high school, you sure do know a lot about him."  It would have been a red flag.    Incidentally, both my parent's home and my sister's home, at the time, were both listed as places to serve me and BOTH HOMES have been broken in to prior to this restraining order and after.  That doesn't exactly remove Lori from the list of suspects, does it?

The harsh reality of the situation is that the victim has to prove that a crime is being committed against them even though the police know it is a possibility.  That kind of awesome task was handed to me.  Do you want to be the guy that hears "voices in his head" or puts up his sexual past for scrutiny because Lori tells people that I infect other men?  No.  It isn't anyone's business but I'm also not afraid that it is true.  I know she's lying.  I know who I am and I know who I have been intimate with.  What Lori doesn't want to admit is how she really knows all of this stuff about me.  It isn't her brother because I don't know him either.  How does Lori know that I burned the carpet in the guest room where I was staying or that I had pot in a drawer that she told my sister about?  The point is that she gets this information from spying on me then uses it like she was some kind of witness to it.  All she's done is spy...I'm the one that has to explain why it isn't real.

This blog is a tool for law enforcement too.  There is a huge problem with "gang stalking" or as I call it "cause stalking" in San Diego.  I call it "cause stalking" because when you are the victim you feel like there is some cause that has created this stalking situation that you are in.  They are following you because of "the cause".  I knew I wasn't involved in anything that wasn't going on in their own homes, so why were they following me.  Law enforcement needs to open up their minds to the new era of technology.  They need to go farther than ever before to look at the evidence.

Remote neural monitoring and "cause stalking" are derivatives of innovation and technology.  Why people need to follow other people around isn't something that I understand.  I don't do it and wouldn't.  What I'm trying to get across is the complete destruction of a person that it causes.  People believe some of the most outrageous things about another person.  Like I said though, they have just enough truth to make it believable.  There isn't any way people would possibly have treated Christopher, Anthony, Jonathan or myself the way they did without someone having the wrong impression about us from Lori or another person.  She is way too involved in our lives.  If you talk to my friends' parents, I'll bet you that most of them have had some kind of encounter with Lori or Brian.  Their sisters are even more likely.

The police aspect of this tool is that I, as an informant, can lead whoever this voice in my head is to do incredibly incriminating things.  Simply by telling the truth or planning an action.  Lori is extremely aggressive when it comes to stopping what I am doing as a human being.  If I plan on going to the DEA in Riverside, you can bet there will be a follow up phone call to whatever agent I spoke to.  If I am going to AM/PM, she has me intercepted by one of her cousins or someone her brother sells drugs to.  You see when you have done this as long as I have, you get to know the "voice" and it sounds just like that voice that screamed that I was a "flaming faggot" in high school.  You don't ever forget it.

The tool is even better when you consider that the police have already threatened me not to talk to them again about Steven Frey or related matters or they will file criminal charges against informant.   Forget that I was right by the way as he was arrested for drug dealing years later.  Nobody ever remembers that.  He was caught with GHB which renders the victim memoryless and helpless.  You see the police, the entire time, failed to do anything like they would do for any other rape victim.  They literally did a little as they could.  When DNA showed up that I was right, they found another reason not to work on this case.  It isn't possible to have this much evidence of a rape and have a police department that does this little for the victim, then has the audacity to go on television and act like a liar.  Like there is any kind of dignity in being raped.  Like I said before, I knew the police department's comments BEFORE I taped that interview.  I still did it knowing that I'd been severely beaten and I'd seen the DNA report that first came through.

Not only did I tape the interview knowing that they would damage my reputation with a remark like that, but I also performed the informant work without one single solitary benefit to me.  I didn't ask for one.  I know that credibility is highest when there is no deal between police and the informants.  I certainly had things that could have been thought of, but I sucked it up and completed my probation and Prop 36 classes to show you all that I did this purely because it was the right thing to do.  I suffered financially, physically, emotionally and everything else because I knew I was right.  When you are beaten that severely and thrown away like trash by the police, you either fight back or you go to the dump.  I'm not a dump kind of guy.

I can put evidence on here so that everyone is aware of it.  They can be aware of the postcard of my face being punched out.  They can be aware of the emails I've received.  They can see the types of techniques used to try to hurt a person.  Whether they are reading this or not, probably not, I still think that it is important that I put them somewhere.  This is an informant's dream to be able to constantly be in contact with the suspect.  The suspect is a "female" that goes by the name that she chooses, but rest assured, it is just one.  She isn't anyone different when she changes names.  Regardless, I'm in constant contact with her and since she is overly aggressive, I can pretty much lead her into the open, like I did when Lori LaFond filed that restraining order.  You see, it is a tool that fights her on her level, without violence and peaceful.  Lori's aggression isn't my responsibility, it is a signature of a female rapist that won't stop putting her hands on gay men.

This blog, the interviews on television, the restraining order and Sedona are all ways that I've used to try  to protect my friends.  There are thousands more too.  If I have to go and fight this misdemeanor warrant that is directly from Lori LaFond's restraining order you can bet that I'm going to bring the Chief of Police in to testify about remote neural monitoring and his police department.  I won't stop until they recognize that the information they use to gain arrests from Lori is the same girl that has been following me since I was 19.  If the Chief thinks that I believe that she hasn't told him that she knows me then I am going to make sure we have the transcripts in the court room to prove he's lying.  Can he really risk Lori telling him that she "has it all under control" and is he really willing to lie to the court under oath knowing that if it is proven later that he knew about it, he will lose everything.

You know this is defense-able through all of my friends and they can all do it. Every victim of this crime has the right to bring in officers from that department to discuss what they know is happening in their department.  They don't know how much proof we have and the risk is lying to the court under oath...a fire-able offense.  Wonder what Rae Fernandez and Nick Andre would say under oath?  I'll just be that neither one of them ever thought that their actions would be scrutinized like this because of their relationship with Lori.  We even have a former police trainee on my team that was fitted with one of these devices and got HIV from Lori...he's heterosexual.  So we know what we have...the police needed to be a lot stronger on the side of the victim.  They told me I could say whatever I wanted about their department, so I am.

This blog is intended as a resource of information about what a victim experiences with remote neural monitoring.  Lots of stuff that happens to us is unexplainable because people keep too many secrets.  If they only knew the harm they caused by not coming forward.  One mistake can cost a family a loved one.  My brother in law remains the casualty of an obsession that started when I was a kid.  There is so much more that can happen to a victim and their family because families are not informed and they feel threatened.  There is really not much light from the law enforcement tunnel, there is endless amounts of sadness.  We have already been confronted with the rape of a male by a female, the HIV infections that could have been avoided and so much more.  The amount of life that is taken from us makes living intolerable.  Most of us had a lot of promise until the PSPD started arresting us.  Once we had a record and couldn't contact the world outside of Palm Springs, we were doomed.

It's really a sex slave type of thing.  Most people think of sex slaves as prostitutes, but what if your sexuality was the complete control and denial of sex between gay men?  What if what turned you on was sexually frustrating a man?  You see Lori is a sexual sadist and this IS SEX FOR HER. Pain, suffering, anguish, death and disease are all sexual turn ons for her when it comes to gay men.  It is a different kind of sex slave that we become...almost a "no sex, sex slave".  She enforces that because gay men refuse to sleep with her.  If we won't sleep with her, then we won't have sex with anyone...or she'll "do something to you."  That is what you live with in Palm Springs as a victim of this crime.

Have sex with Lori or be put in jail?  I don't understand what message the PSPD was telling us.  Don't be gay?  Have sex with women or we'll arrest you?  What is the point?