Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lori and Brian Tried To Lure Me To Covington Flats One Night Too: Is Anyone Looking At A Homicide In This Area???

I have a tip for anyone that is looking at a homicide from a way back in the past!

This is Covington Flats.  I had a friend that was living in this area when Lori and Brian were stalking me about ten years ago.  His name is Bret Philpot, a local artist that lived on LaContenta Road just outside of the Yucca Valley region.  There is one night that Brian and Lori lured me to this area that Bret will remember very well.  I showed up at his residence because Lori told me that Steven Frey was there...he wasn't.  After making a complete ass of myself, the siblings then lured me to Bret's old home on La Contenta Road.

It is not a secret that Lori and Brian made contact with Bret and our friend Reggie McAtee.  They told the friends of mine that I was "using drugs" while staying with Bret, which was a lie.  Both were met by Lori and Brian who tried their best to frame me with some kind of drug paraphernalia that Bret left on the counter.  At the time, I was really confused as to why my sober friend would leave something out like this.  I didn't realize that Lori was up to her usual tricks.   One thing that I do recall is that Brian was in Bret's home.  He wrote in my diary, "Your in my heart, your in my soul" which freaked me out when I read it.  It wasn't my handwriting and it wasn't from Bret.

This was after they'd sent me on a trip out to the Covington Flats area shown above.

What I have to report is this.  I am aware of a murder that happened out in this area that was on the border of the Joshua Tree National Park.  The victim was someone that I was familiar with but had been staying with "Jessica" on the night of the murder.  He was found out in this area away from Palm Springs and it may be the murder that is in this area of town.    The other area is near Reggie McAtee's home, I won't say where that is, but the incidents are two areas that I can prove that Lori and Brian are familiar with.  I know because of where they sent me and what was written in my diary, not to mention the drug paraphernalia that was left there.

The other coincidence is that Jonathan Mendenhall was also told to "meet Brian" on La Contenta Road one night too.  La Contenta Junior High School was the meeting place which is less than a quarter mile from the road out to Covington Flats.

I can remember Lori and Brian telling me to wait on this dirt road out by Bret's old home and I was sitting there very scared one night before I got a bad feeling about it and left.  This is something that I think is very evidential for the police to look at.

I have heard about this victim being shot, "execution style" from Lori's own mouth.  I've heard that this victim and "Jessica" did not get along and that she was teaching him a lesson that he would never forget.  If I were police, I would be looking for a small caliber handgun, the same that was used to shoot at me in San Diego and the same gun that was held to the head of Jonathan Mendenhall in Sedona, Arizona.  It is also suspected to be the gun used to "warn" Barbara through her bedroom window in the Cat City Cove.  

If there is anyone that knows that Lori and Brian are capable of shooting and killing someone it is me.  I've already had a bullet come through the window of my Honda Civic in 2003 and nobody should think that Little Miss Innocent isn't capable.  She is.

I know that this victim was shot and left in what looks like a wash or camping area just outside of the JTNP.  Shoe prints are something that Lori likes to think about leaving the scene of the crime.  Lori and Brian should be looked at for this crime because there are lots of people that have been told that they will be killed if they talk about this technology.  Steven Frey told me that Brian was a hit man that was going to "kill his parents"...when my father asked him about this, he denied it.  He was afraid of Lori and Brian doing this to him.

If investigators will look at my diary, they will see the entry in my journal about Lori and Brian sending me to Bret's home.  It is in there.  You can see the conversation that Brian had with me that night on the date before the entry.

La Contenta Road may have been the site of something horrible.  The other place to look would be where Reggie lives and I won't give up that location.  I can assure you, Lori and Brian know where that is and it can be confirmed through Reggie and Bret.  Their meeting with Lori is well known to me.

I am certain that both Reggie and Bret can confirm that Lori was stalking me in this area because of the conversation that she had with them while I was living with Bret.  I was really upset that the two of them wouldn't confide in me that this had been done.  We are really close friends and I can assure you that, if Lori kept them from talking, that she lied to them and told them that she was some kind of police unit.  Another thing that Reggie and Bret know about is Andy...a person that was raped and infected while living with his boyfriend.  He was extremely safe and was knocked out and infected.  I believe he also reported something to the police, but they did nothing for him.

Andy lived next door to my friend Paul at the time and this was of great interest to Lori and Brian.  The home he lived in was right next to Paul's home...when he was knocked out and infected.

Since Lori has decided to go "full crazy" right now, I thought I'd show you the site of this rape.  242 N. Farrell...not far from police headquarters (similar to my rape).  Andrew was notoriously safe sex oriented but was made HIV positive when Brian came to this home and knocked him out.  Was Lori there too?  Who knows...I am almost positive that this rape was reported!!!