Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Friday, November 3, 2017

LifeLocked At Last!!! Goodbye Lori!!! Reporting Her To LifeLock Is The Smartest Thing You Can Do!!!

The days of subsidizing, Lori, her brother and her friends, so that they can sit around and do drugs all day long is over!  I am finally able to tell you all that I have LifeLocked my life.  You can't afford not to!!!  If you know anyone that is being harassed, the best thing that you can tell them is to LifeLock themselves.  Their agents can tell you how to best do this if you give them a call.

If you tell them that you are a victim of Lori's in Palm Springs, they will probably know that you are a victim of "remote neural monitoring" and can assist you the best that anyone can!

Keeping Lori and Brian out of your life is not easy, but these people are willing to help you the best you can.  You can lock up your California Driver's License, Social Security Number and do all kinds of fun things to keep your identity yours!

I love these people and they are bulldogs when it comes to keeping Lori away from your life.  I am currently keeping a list of the cell phone issues and all of the IP Address information that I have about Lori and Brian and I will be handing it to them to keep them from stealing one more penny from my accounts.

Everyone has the right to not subsidize Lori, Missy and their friends.  If you are a victim of their identity theft, call 1-800-543-3562 and have them tell you what they can do for you for $19.99/mo or less in some cases!

It's time that Lori learns that when you are LifeLocked, she shouldn't bother with you any longer!!!

I am so happy with LifeLock!!! I just added my bank account to the LifeLock can't believe the piece of mind I just got!!!

Every single bank account transaction that I make is run through the LifeLock site so if there is a question about whether or not I made the purchase or Lori made it for herself, can be dealt with straight from their site.  IT IS THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS!!!  Up until now, I felt like I had to bury my money in Mason jars and keep a treasure map to keep it safe from Brian and Lori.  Now, I can actually use a bank and not have to worry that she is going to order a new duplicate card and drain my account $300 at a time.  She can't open another account in my name and transfer cash...and now she can't use my debit/credit card without me knowing.  There is nothing better than knowing that this system is doing more for me than I could possibly imagine.  While she is awake all night with Missy, trying to steal my money, LifeLock is keeping the two girlfriends from taking it!

It's like having Christopher sitting in front of the bank!!!