Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Conveniently Female: "She's Not Female, She's A Female Impersonator," Steven Frey Talking About Lori

I remember all the things that Jonathan had to say about Lori and her proclivities for being overly sexually aggressive towards him and others.  He would come home after being "released from her prison", stark white, greasy looking and needing a shower...after days of trying to avoid Lori's constant sexual advances towards him.  It seemed to me like he was playing sexual dodge ball the entire time.  You know he didn't get any sleep because of the syringe to the testicles incident the last time he was knocked unconscious and ended up in the hospital with his two friends, Anthony and myself, at his bedside.  You see, Lori is like Freddy Krueger, you can't fall asleep or she will make your worst nightmares come true.  In Jonathan's case, a needle full of staph infection was stuck into one of his testicles while he was knocked out and it grew to the size of a russet potato.  It was painful to watch.

To say the least, Lori is very aggressive.  I can remember Steven Frey saying, "Lori isn't a female, she's a female impersonator."  I use to laugh about that one.  You have to understand that most of the time Lori likes to pretend that she is a homosexual male and very aggressive when she isn't feigning to be a "poor defenseless woman" after she's drawn a chalk line around her body and made a phone call pretending to be her own sister complaining about me.  "Kevin Bond is being mean to my sister and he's said the worst things about her...blah, blah, blah."  Most of the time, Lori forgets all of the horrible things that she's said and done to me, but when she does, the pretends to be some kind of Catholic nun who never has had a horrible thing to say about anyone. A virgin that has never used a drug or smoked a cigarette, used a drug or said a "swear word" in her life.  A family girl who has been heterosexually married with children that love and adore her.  HUH?????

That's not what Jonathan and Mikey would have to say about the little beast at all!!!

This is when she becomes a "female impersonator".  She impersonates a "poor defenseless female" which I find to be detrimental to all women that are neither poor or defenseless.  Women, to me, are strong and very defense oriented in my world.  Any woman that uses her gender as an excuse to make a man look like someone that is over powering her is not giving herself nearly enough credit and it makes women look stupid.

If Lori is such a freedom fighter for women, then why doesn't she just stand up and own what she does for real?  Why doesn't she own up to all of the confrontations that she's had with people over the years about my family and my father, me and my sister?  Why all of this, "Don't say I said anything about it" bullshit?  The problem that I have with Little Miss Big Mouth is all the bullshit that she thinks that we don't hear about but that comes out of her mouth at every high school reunion or that Bryan Anderson has heard for decades.  Lori thinks she can fool everyone with this "convenient" change of personality every single time she verbally abuses me and my family to other people then robs our homes.  I'm, frankly, quite tired of this "stalk and schizo" routine of hers.  I spent thirty years ignoring it because I figured that she would grow out of it, until bullets started flying at my head.

This overly aggressive attempt to run my family from the outside is done!  If she thinks that she is going to walk up my drive way and act like Little Mary Sunshine without me getting in her face, she's got another thing coming!  She will never be welcome in our home.  Confrontations are not a part of her future with any of us.  She's already had her fair share without us being ready for them.  Now, we are prepared.

She can take all the steroids she wants, she is not allowed near any of us ever again.

This whole thing where she talks on "behalf of other people" isn't going to sway anyone else's opinions either.  She's got a reputation for being a big mouth and I'm going to expose it soon.  I've got a plan for that now!