Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Calling and Harassing Me: Cost Me A Job

So she did it again and nobody did a fucking thing.  I applied for a job, got the job and Laurie fucked the job up.  Jeffrey managed to fuck up the job by telling people that I would soon be leaving the area to live somewhere else and Laurie picked up that lie and called the place where I was about to get a job and told them that so they ended up not hiring me.  Now, of course, I'm not moving and I'm being thrown out of the house that I helped to I have no home...and no job and he has all of my money.  Isn't that a fucking bitch!  Just like always, I'm screwed with no place to go.  No job.  No income and Jeffrey has stolen everything I own for Laurie and her friends.

At no time did anyone do anything to help, as usual.  Instead, they all sat around and did absolutely nothing.  Now I'm officially screwed in the town where I hate living with no place to go.  Isn't this the usual with my friend.  They should expect very little help from me in the future.  Especially you Christopher Monti.