I am writing this blog entry to wish the families of my friends luck. It has come to my attention that Jeffrey is the exact opposite of the kind of person that I needed in this case. Instead of cooperation he is looking for confrontations between myself and Laurie intending on helping her to look like the person that isn't behind this crime. That isn't the kind of person that we need. The parents of my friends support Marilyn Katzenberg who supports her husband and that is not whom I support. I would never mislead people into believing that someone isn't whom they are. I am not the kind of person that would mislead law enforcement or the families of the victims in any way.
The information that I have is solid. I can't believe that Christopher or my friend Kenny would ever participate in misleading anyone into believing that Laurie is not the person that is behind this crime, but that is just what they did. I am disappointed in both of them. This is not the kind of police work or informant work that should be considered. I know what I've been put through and I know who is behind it. There is no doubt that their participation with Jeffrey is not legal and is obstructing justice for myself, my family and the real victims of this crime.
I wish my friends and their families luck in their endeavors to mislead the public in their lives and their need to tell the lies that Jeffrey intends to purport to this country about his involvement with electronic harassment. He is nothing like he says he is. He is working with the criminals in this case and should suffer along with them. I have nothing good to say about him or his wife, so I will say nothing more for now.