You want to know how the Palm Springs Police Department buys new cars for their police force? How they upgrade their systems? How they are able to buy stuff for their department? They make drug dealers out of homosexual rape victims using billionaire movie makers and Laurie/Missy. It's really quite simple.
You take one violent rape, two very violent girls with HIV, one sadistic brother, a police department full of implanted dirty cops with career goals and a community of gay men....let rapes go unsolved...shake well...protect it with a billionaire contributor and you have the makings of a perfect conspiracy that allows one rich assed family to be protected for life, while the entire gay community gets fed into the prison system and the AIDS machine to die without a single word being said against it. Add in a few other parents with kids that think of only themselves...erase a few of their criminal records, and what you end up with is an entire community based in fear and loathing of a girl, remote neural monitoring and disease. The cops have the worst reputation in the entire country for hating the LGBTQ community and our AIDS numbers are staggering.
When you combine that with a billionaire that hides all the witnesses and evidence then stalks two police informants until he can put them both in prison, you have the recipe for a crime against humanity with the benefit going to the movie producer for millions and millions of dollars in revenue for intellectual property that he can steal right out of the mind of yours truly. If he can kill me or my family before any of you find out about it, then he gets it all, he thinks. It won't happen though...because my intellectual property remains my family's property even after my death. My AIDS virus will be tested for the DNA of the woman that infected me and it will be tested against the woman that said she worked for the City of LaQuinta and dated Bryan Fucking Anderson....and there will be a complete investigation as to whom worked for Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg in this area from 2008 until now. What I am telling you is this. Jeffrey is trying to make my situation for my parents so desperate that I will have to become the newest drug dealer in Laurie and Missy's organization. It AIN'T gonna happen. Talk to Steven Frey, Ricky, Mikey...and Jonathan. We've all been put in this position by Missy and Laurie, but now Jeffrey is giving away bank account numbers of my family so that Laurie can steal away their life savings. Thank you Bryan Fucking Anderson. How do you know that isn't true Bryan? Can you trust him?
Laurie and Missy stole thousands of dollars from him before they met Jeffrey, why haven't they been prosecuted for that? Why haven't they been prosecuted for the theft of property from his home? I'll tell you why, because Jeffrey has become a criminal enterprise with this system. He is a crime boss now. He won't stop helping the criminals and he is satisfied with stealing from me. He is enamored with being an internet mob boss...he loves to extort families by using this system as much as Laurie does. If he didn't then why would he warn everyone else's family but mine? Ask him that one police department!!!! He's a bully. His wife is a terrorist. An ungrateful family that learned of this technology because of the work I did and because of the kindness of my team. Then they turned on us...they are dirty lying bullshit artists that love nothing more than stealing from the middle class and hurting honest hard working people. They should be prosecuted for what they have handed to Laurie and her brother. What they did for Missy is a huge crime.
You finally did it Marilyn, you've finally told everyone who you really are the bitch everyone knew you were. The lying ungrateful mother of Benjamin!!!
This is HOW the Palm Springs Police Department has MADE drug dealers in the gay community there for decades. You see Laurie and Missy have supplied hundreds of thousands of dollars of meth and needles to the gay community for years and years. They've also supplied rapes, AIDS and other things too that people like Chief Reyes have turned their heads on and arrested us for because there is no way out for these people. They can't breathe any longer. There is no hope for these men that they have done this to. They can't work. They can't get insurance. They can't live normal lives and if they try, Missy and Laurie take everything from them and NOW they have a billionaire and his wife helping them do it. It is a complete holocaust of the gay community built on a sinister relationship between a contributor to the police department and the police chief...that has been around for decades. This whole sham is something that is allowed because there is no internal affairs department and no internal review of the conduct of a police chief that says, "there is nothing more our department can do for" a victim of rape that is savagely beaten a block from police headquarters. You know who I can have testify to all of this...the drug dealers themselves...the people that Laurie and Missy did this to. You think they aren't credible? They all have the AIDS virus from Laurie, chips with numbers that relate to Laurie' log book, police officer conversations about them, stolen police files, conversations between Laurie and the police. We have them all. The one thing we have the most of, is a bunch of promoted cops that lie to the public when it comes to the truth about their involvement with this technology.
I want you all to know that I am sickened to see what this department did to me, you don't know the severity of my injuries but what Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg have done to my family, a family that has been tortured for forty years by Laurie and Missy, is the worst infraction of all. These two parents should receive the worst penalties the law allows.