Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Killing My Family One By One...Just Like I Told You. Motherfucker!!! I Told You He Was Here To Kill

You see this?  This is known as a huge pile of garbage.  This is what Jeffrey Katzenberg's family is.  A huge pile of stinking garbage.  Laying on the side of the road useless garbage.  Smelling up the neighborhood, doing no good for anyone, an eyesore and worthless.  What you think you see here is trash, but what it really is, is garbage.  It's just a whole bunch of stuff that people use to think was worth something but isn't.  Like Jeffrey, his wife, his three kids, his father and brother...worthless piles of garbage.  Stinking fucking garbage.

One thing that I've learned over the years is to clean up garbage when it comes to remote neural monitoring.  There's a whole lot of it lying around in the police department, in the hospital and in the streets of Palm Springs, California.  Starting with the fucking Chief of Police, that stinking pile of garbage is the worst one of all.  Acting Chief Bryan Reyes, is the perfect title for his job..."acting".  He is by far the worst choice for a chief that we could possibly have.  Acting chief is perfect.  He can act like he doesn't know who Laurie is or what he's done to ruin my rape case that involves her and her brother, but man does that piece of garbage stink up the badge more than any other cop in the force.  Frank Browning is a Lt. in the detective bureau?  Are you fucking kidding me?  How in the fuck did that happen?  That guy couldn't detect his penis in his hand.  He didn't even go to the scene of my rape.  He didn't even send my bloody clothing to the DOJ for nearly eight months.  He didn't consider my face being punched out on a postcard evidence from my rape?    Who in the fuck made that fucking cop a Lt. Detective?  GARBAGE!!!!

Garbage...a whole fucking city of garbage.

That police department is full of lying pieces of garbage!!!!

Jeffrey probably gets lifetime protection for his family by killing off members of my family from them and I'm not impressed.  The stress this garbage man is creating is unbelievable!!! I told you what he was doing was going to kill members of my family while my best friends sat and watched him and Missy the fucking whore lesbian do this and now my dad is back in the hospital again!  Just what I said was going to happen Christopher Fucking Monti!!!!

This could not be better for Laurie and Missy, just like Jeffrey planned it.  Jeffrey, Missy, Bessie, David and Laurie while this team of spies sat here and did absolutely nothing and go paid to spy on me and my family.  They spied on our bank accounts.  They spied on our text messages.  They spied on me.  When the time was right, they pounced on my family like scavengers waiting to eat each and every one of us.  I can not believe how voracious Jeffrey's appetite has been!!!  He's the sickest man I've ever seen.  This man has been working with this criminal organization for years now ruining every single bit of investigation and putting Anthony's, Jonathan's and my life in danger every single solitary minute of the day.  He's been helping Missy threaten each and every one of us and our family members so often that we've become prisoners in our own homes.  This man isn't anything but Laurie with money.

Jeffrey researched my extended family for Missy and Laurie to steal from.  He's researched people from high school that Laurie got pictures out of a scrapbook of mine from.  He's sent people to my high school reunion to find these people for Laurie.  He's literally done everything he possibly could do for Laurie that she could not do for herself.  One thing I never would ever do was expose my friends to Laurie and her need for information.  Missy and Laurie used my stolen life to find friends that would go to this reunion and find phone numbers and emails that I did not have so that Laurie could contact all of them thanks to Jeffrey and Marilyn.  This consent to use this system with this local team was completely misused and not something I consented to for this purpose.  Jeffrey committed a crime by using it this way.  I am so fucking angry with him right now that I want an attorney to do something right now to stop him.

There is no longer a relationship between his son and myself.  He and I cease to be friends as of today.  No friend of mine would ever put my family under this kind of stress intentionally.  His son has jeopardized my entire family because I helped him.  Every single thing that I've done to help his son has been twisted into some kind of bullshit thing that made me look bad.  Whatever his son asked of me, I did and now his father is acting like it was some kind of threat to him.  Fuck you Jeffrey.  I wish I'd never ever helped you and Marilyn.  Never would anyone be better off helping you or your family.  The entire gay community needs to know the kind of danger they are in by knowing your son.  He is dangerous for anyone to be around.   Knowing him was a HUGE mistake.  He uses friendship as a weapon that his father takes and serves to Laurie like a steak dinner without doing anything to stop him.  He gave his father my entire family to play with without doing anything to stop him then took my best friend and my boyfriend to his home for his mother to devour and lie to.  If that is a friend, I would hate to see what his son does to enemies.

What Benjamin did to me is unforgivable.  You lied to me Benjamin.  You took something that I loved and you let Missy destroy it.  You lost complete control of your end of this investigation and handed it to Laurie. YOU and your mother were the weak links that ruined this community and our hope for justice.  Just because you are rich the rest of us will suffer.  You should be shunned from this community forever.  There isn't a single solitary human being that should trust you.  I put faith into your ability to bring change and you handed your father my family and shut your mouth.  That's not what a friend does.  You sat in the corner and allowed my biggest enemy to run roughshod over my life, victory after victory...and did absolutely nothing to stop her or help me.  That is absolute betrayal.  When you take absolute trust and show absolute betrayal to it, you've created an enemy so angry that there is nothing more that can be done to salvage this friendship.  My father is in a hospital bed because of your ignorance, your negligence and your absolute heartlessness.  You've shown none of the characteristics of friendship that I value and you've tried to instill them in my boyfriend and my best friend in the meantime.  That's betrayal of loyalty and a complete disregard for our community and friendship.  You aren't an honorable person...and you aren't my friend any longer.

My father's life is far more important than your father's motive to kill.