Does this mean that I'm her captive while everyone is watching? It sure feels like it. If so, why isn't anyone telling the police and why aren't they helping me? Clearly whomever trusted Jeffrey to help me was wrong because if Laurie feels like she has me captive, he's not helping me to escape, he must be part of the problem!!!
Escaping Laurie. I've been doing it all my life. Up until now, I've been doing a pretty good job of it too. There have been moments where I've been in some really sticky situations, but I've managed to pull myself out of it. This time she's enlisted the entire Triad of Pussy, a billionaire's family, my boyfriend, my best friend and all of the families of my friends working against each other to create a situation where they are all fighting against each other so that I'm in the fight of my life. Nobody is doing what I thought that they would or should be. Listen folks, this was suppose to be families of the same, working together in harmony against the girl that hurt all of us. Not greedy girls working against the boys that fought back to save our families. How did this happen?
I put together the Electronic Harassment Parent Coalition of Palm Springs, California as a way for parents of the victims to communicate with their kids in a way that they have never been able to communicate before. This was suppose to give the victims a way to explain to their parents what has happened to them. Who was behind it and how to join together to stop it from happening again. What has transpired isn't what was suppose to happen. It is ironic that these women that hate these gay men would see this opportunity and use it to take advantage of our families again. The Mendenhalls, Montis, Katzenbergs, Barbara's Family, Carson's, Moses', Bond's and others were not suppose to become fodder for the Triad of Pussy to infiltrate and use again...but someone let them in. These He-Woman-Man-Haters were the problem in the first place, I was pretty clear about that and so were Jonathan, Barbara and others. Letting them take advantage and hold of our investigation was not part of this coalition's goal.
The goal was simple. Outline the problem to work together to come up with a peaceful and non-violent legal solution to end this crime. We wanted to be smart, safe and not let innocent gay men and women get infected, implanted and go to jail again. Since then the numbers have significantly dropped, I've been on television a few times, but there have been problems. There is subdivision. Now I am being targeted by one of our own families for destruction for helping them solve their own son's crime. That's not what this project is about. Their son approached me. He asked for my help, moved here, wanted to solve his own family's robbery and his rape. I solved his robbery and found his family's belongings/and rape and he, in return wanted to help me. The second part became Hell on Earth.
Now there is division.
The Triad of Pussy saw a money making opportunity and in moved Missy and Bessie and the three (with Laurie) have ruined the coalition. Instead of families working together to help each other, they all fight. Jeffrey isn't working with anyone. He wants to constantly force these two money grubbing no good thieves on all of us. We don't like them. Over nine years none of us are any better off than we were before, but they are financially set. Nine years and all of us are still struggling. I'm about to lose everything and Laurie's telling everyone "she's happier than ever and closer than ever to her dream"; that would be a complete failure of this project. If that's what Jeffrey wants, then he would be a criminal. His son is a member of this coalition and a member of this team. He either needs to kick Missy out of this home and investigation or the coalition needs to help me. Missy and Bessie seek to end this project so that they can continue to ruin the lives of innocent gay men and women in Palm Springs. Working with them isn't part of this project's agenda. Working with Laurie isn't at all this project's agenda. Giving either money isn't either.
We don't support terrorism in any form. We don't negotiate with terrorists. We support a peaceful non-violent legal solution to this crime, we always have. We are not looking for more of the same. What Missy is doing from that home is nothing less than the same thing that she has been doing from another home in Palm Springs for years for Laurie.
Let me give you an example.
In Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler gave the command to round up and put hundreds of thousands of Jews and Gays in work camps and gas chambers. Human experimentation and mass murders of those people were done by other Nazi criminals there like Josef Goebels. Just because not every singe Nazi is Adolf Hitler does not mean they aren't a Nazi. Josef Goebels is still one of the worst Nazi war criminals of all because of the human experimentations that he did on the war prisoners. He may not have been the head Nazi, but he was one of the worst when it came to fucking with the war prisoners. Missy is a head fucker. She just loves to fuck with the heads of the men that she hates so much. She may not know them, but day after day she pretends that the only way to keep herself safe is to fuck with me and my family now for over twenty five years. Is she really telling me that living with Jeffrey isn't safe enough? Is she really in danger while living with one of America's richest men and one of the most protected men on Earth? Bullshit. She is teaching him how to fuck with people. She is getting paid lots of money for it too.
Bessie Smith is another alleged war criminal. She focuses Missy's focus on men. Missy's a lesbian, so for Missy to get close to men, Bessie lures them. When she gets bored with them, Missy moves in for the credit cards and the money...the two provided enough information about men for Laurie to steal for years and years. Bessie provided enough information about my family to Missy for decades. Bessie even brought Missy here to this investigation because she knew my family and set us up. Now there are no more people for Laurie to fuck with so were all targets without protection and Missy's been waiting for this for twenty years. It's gonna be a bloodbath! Missy's been ready to off my family because of her own angst against hers for decades...and she's got Jeffrey primed to do it. Meanwhile, Bessie's found her own millionaire boyfriend whose joined in the fun. He's also telling Jeffrey to fuck with my family. Telling him to go against the police department's wishes and help Missy and Bessie. A teacher's kid from Palm Springs High School.
You see the problem here is that someone let the riff raff in again. The street urchins from Palm Springs got in again. The ones that smile to your face then rip you off when your back is turned are here. I don't let those people in my home, but Jeffrey does. I don't give those kind a second chance, but Jeffrey gives them a hundred chances and tells everyone else to shut up about it. No, that's not the kind of person we are looking to help. I don't want to help them. Do you?
I have about ten friends that have died because of Laurie, maybe a few more. I have maybe fifty or more that have her HIV. I have so many friends that went to jail because of her and these three girls. I've been there. I don't know how many friends of mine have lost money to Missy and Bessie and Laurie. I have no idea what my life could, should or would have been like without these three wonderful women in it. I do know that without the three of them, my brother in law would probably still be alive...probably. I don't think that anyone in this universe will ever know this story and think that my life would have been worse without these three in it. I think that my life has been a series of orchestrated evil event that the three of these girls manipulated and orchestrated into a nightmare of bad things. I've made the most out of a horrible situation for almost forty years. One girl I know very well, one girl I barely met and one I've never seen. I have nothing to do with any of them and have never done anything wrong to any of them or their family members.
I can honestly say without batting an eye that they did this to me without one single bit of provocation. Not one single bit. It was all done out of some kind of spite for men. They randomly made up some kind of story and went with it for as long as they could, because they are who they are.
I don't hate women. I love them. I work for women. I've enjoyed studying women in college. I love lesbians. I would rather work for women than men. I've never wanted to be around these three women less than I do right now.
What this situation has become is one man's need to save two women that have convinced him, wrongly, that they are damsels in distress, when what they really are is Nazi war criminals that have escaped to Brazil after the war.