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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, January 2, 2017

He Thought A New Car Contract Would "Get Rid Of Missy": Where Do You Think That Falls On The Bullshit-O-Meter

Now I'm not one for "high finance" but even I know that you don't sign a contract with someone that "you don't like" for three years to "get them out of your life".  So why would the police or anyone else believe that either?

Missy, is a "dead womb" lesbian that can't really have a baby like most gold diggers, so rather than go for the old "Jeffrey, I'm pregnant" she did the next best thing..."Jeffrey, I need a new car."  It's the lesbian girlfriend equivalent of "I'm pregnant" with the same kind of contractual obligation.  For Missy it's like the last child she was responsible for.  After a few years of acting like she was a guardian/friend/parent, she dumped the family when another financially more stable offer came along.  It's like having a child without any of those nasty obligation things that come along with them.  Cold bitch that she was, she just dumped the kid in her sophomore year of high school...never even saw her again.  See ya, later kid that I said I loved...don't need you any more, I have a new place to live.  So long suckas.

They just came home one day and all of Missy's things were gone.  No note.  No explanation.  Just no more Missy.  Of course they knew where she went...wherever the money was.   Wherever Laurie told her to go.  This made Laurie happy, of course.  She's done this before too.  She did this to Barbara's father too.  No financial obligations paid, just, "See ya suckas."  She never pays them back.  She leaves them with all of her bills and the next thing you know here she is with another family stealing her way into their bank accounts and wallets.  Missy is the eternal user.  She loves to use her own family too.  The sucka usually gets to know them over time as she uses them to legitimize that she is from a good family, but they've grown tired of warning everyone, "Listen, she's going to be a pain in the ass.  You shouldn't really trust her.  Don't call us when she rips you off."    You see, Missy's a career user.

I've seen her before.  We all have.  Good enough to come from a good family.  Ditzy enough to make you feel sorry for her.  Smart enough not to be that stupid, but dumb enough to stay way too long.  Every time she does this, she just can't manage to get over the hump and now, she's found one stable way to keep her in the game.  ME.  Me and my family.  With Laurie.  If she follows me around enough she always has Laurie and Bessie to keep her in the game.  I won't have it.

So a new car contract was suppose to get rid of her huh Jeff?  How do you figure?  It's like an umbilical cord with a gas tank to your bank account.  She even calls the new car "her baby".  Mrs. Katzenmarshmallow is even stupid enough to let her do this.  Why?  This was the brain child of Dave, Bessie's boyfriend, who just has to keep his hooks into his pseudo-father.  Jeffrey, idiot that he is, thinks its a wonderful idea.  What a complete box of idiots we have here.  They honestly think they are dealing with some grade school graduates.  Listen up you three, we are all college graduates here.  None of us are stupid.  You are insulting our intelligence.  It's so insulting that I barely want to write about how conspiracies work.  You are insulting me Jeffrey.  This is nothing more than a three year contract for more of the same from your lesbian girlfriend.  If you think I am going to spend three more years without going after you and Missy in the courtroom, you are crazier than Laurie. Do  you understand that?