Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Can You Believe This Horrible Girl? Thanks For Leaving Her On The Microphone Everyone!

One thing that you never get use to is Laurie's hatefulness spread over the microphone.  I knew that both of my nieces were pregnant before they even told me.  She likes to spy on my family by reading text messages and spoofing telephone numbers so that when they text each other she gets family news before I do.  So now she plays this little game of "I know something you don't know".  It's this kind of thing where she acts superior to me.  I think it is another one of those little games that has cost one of my family members his life.  By not having Laurie arrested when they should have, some members of this team are actually playing a very dangerous game by stalling and allowing Laurie access to information that she shouldn't have.

This morning's terror, "Your father has pancreatic cancer, Kevin.  They just haven't told you that yet."  Isn't that a pleasant way to start your day?  Now I don't know about how any of you feel about this, but, I am a tad bit concerned that this is what I think is an intentional infliction of emotional distress.  This is a situation caused by an intentional stalling of justice.  No victim of forty years of threats, violence, attempted murder, intentional infection with HIV and a whole lot of terror needed to be put through this.  For some odd reason, Jeffrey, in his infinite stupidity, thinks that it is vitally important for me to have to relive this kind of feeling every single morning of my life now for nine straight years, for his girlfriend Missy's safety.  It is "better for Missy" if I am terrorized.  That's the whole theory.

The last four mornings have consisted of death threats, pancreatic cancer, financial threats and so forth.  Day after day, it grows worse and worse and Laurie tells them every single night, "I'm not going to stop!"  Missy is still living with Jeffrey...right in front of two police officers that won't do a single thing to stop either.  This is called Double extortion.  Laurie has told Jeffrey that she wants him to make her financially stable.  Missy has already demanded that he make HER better paid than everyone else.  "She's worth more."  The entire time Missy is strangling my family with her language of hate.  Two sociopaths working together in some kind of twisted game of Man Hate.

If Jami Ferrara is reading this, I came up with a plan to have you speak with Knut Johnson, to have him talk to me about representation and having me down to stay with the Mendenhalls where I will be safe.  I don't want to be here any longer.  I am not happy with the police effort.  I am not happy with what Jeffrey is doing.  I am extremely not happy with what this "plan" is.  There is a dangerous element that puts my family in constant danger and there is a lack of concern for the public safety.  This needs more attention for all of us.  Jeffrey is a dangerous person that has compromised half of this investigation and he won't stop.  It continued this morning.  There is no good faith in his effort.  He's continuing to make bad decisions and letting this woman control his family.  I need to be able to work on this case without fear that Laurie will do something else.  The police officers here haven't done anything to stop her continued efforts to hurt me.  Jeffrey has done something wrong again.

We need a bigger legal effort.

When law enforcement won't make a move, then we have to use the law to find other methods to force them out of the way.  I think it is time that we show them that there are other concerns besides Jeffrey's money.  His concern for his family went away with the purchase of Missy's new car.  That isn't good faith.  It's a new car for a suspect. To me, that is the very wrong choice.  It is a three year contract for more terror.  It's like ordering three more years of torture for my family and I can't do it.  He is literally contracting torture.  I won't do it again without taking this fight right to his front door.