Parents, you know how you teach your kids to be honest? If the police ask them to do something, wouldn't you suggest that they do it? I know my parents would. I'm actually of the belief system that says that honesty is always better than a lie, but I'm tested very hard on this one. Pretty much everything I've been truthful about and asked to do for the police has turned out to be complete shit. Even in my attempts to rid my life of drugs, I was hit with my honesty being cruel. It's odd the way that faith is tested sometimes, isn't it?
I know that Laurie is behind much of the honesty that I've given turning out badly and, in her favor. It has happened so many times that I've grown to not answer my phone, talk to people that I haven't seen in a long time and contacting Bryan Anderson, my police contact. I no longer trust the truth, but I know I can't lie. I just expect it to turn out badly.
After trying to report my rape to the hospital with no luck getting an officer to come take my report, I followed the advice of Sgt. Anderson and reported it. That turned out to be a disaster at the time of the report and the day after. For the next six or seven months I got arrested six times, no convictions.
Then I was asked to be an informant against Steven Frey, that resulted in being raped and beaten in his home, days afterwards.
Then I was asked by Bryan Reyes to send him credible witnesses to child pornography that I'd seen. I did, then was stalked all the way to Sedona, Arizona when he decided that Anthony possessed no "credible" information. It was and is bullshit with this department.
Their snitch is a homicidal maniac with three friends that do and say almost anything for her. It's ridiculous what this police department expects me to live through to do what they've asked. To not report it would be a crime, to report it is an early death.
What would you do?