Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Sociopath Next Door

Could it possibly be true that one in twenty five people has no conscious and can do anything without feeling guilty?  Yikes!  That's a pretty staggering number to say the least.  When you couple that with a police department that doesn't care with a huge bias against gay men, then you have the correct atmosphere for a serial killer.  There couldn't be a better place on Earth for a serial killer of gay men to live than Palm Springs, California.   The atmosphere is perfect with the lax attitude of the police toward crime in the gay community, it has become abundantly clear that if someone wants to commit crimes against gay people, this is the place.

The second in command at the Palm Springs Police Department is Lt. Bryan Reyes, who not only goes out of his way to not investigate a crime, he literally assists the rapists in the courtroom with threats.  I can't imagine a more unprofessional detective than this man.  I've personally seen him take a simple rape investigation and turn it into a disgusting display of civil rights violations against myself as an indictment against all of the gay male victims of rape in our area.  There are many.   There have been many complaints by the gay community with regards to illegal surveillance conducted by two men and one woman.  The only way this can be accomplished is by raping the men; none of whom have consented to have these devices "hooked up".

Lt. Bryan Reyes went out of his way to botch this investigation into my rape with lots of evidence of stalking as well.  I don't know how many women that have been raped in the area have had photographs taken of their rape and put on a post card, sent to their home as an advertisement of "violence towards women" disguised as an "art show".  Would it be an "art show" if a female rape victims was displayed this way with a man's fist in her face?  Would the police have handled that situation differently?  Certainly we all hope so, but it shouldn't have been any different.

How many women have had their heads bashed in and reported a rape to the hospital and had no cop show up to take the report, then had the Chief of Police tell the City Council that he didn't think I was raped because I took a month to report it?  I told this police department via the hospital emergency room that I was raped.  Not only did a cop not show up, I didn't hear from the police department for three more weeks.  This is not the way a rape of a female would be handled.  Now that the xrays of my skull shows multiple fractures, do you think that one police officer has said a single word to me about my rape.  Nope.  Not one person from that department gives enough of a shit about a gay man being sexually assaulted to pick up a phone and call.  That's how ripe the situation is for anyone that wants to commit a crime against gay man in our area is.  You can literally beat the shit out of him in a private residence, infect him with a deadly disease, break his skull in half and the police will protect the rapist.

In fact, if I were the rapist, I'd call Lt. Reyes first and let him know that this is what I was going to do so that he could make sure that he was prepared to lie for me.  How many times did this guy go out of his way to help Laurie and Brian with my rape?  I know for a fact that he told me that I was right and he was going to catch these guys after I saw a report from the DOJ lab with evidence of a suspect.  Do you know what these bastards did?  They got a second opinion that cleared anyone of a rape.  This isn't a doctor's diagnosis.  You don't get a second opinion on bloody clothing?  You don't wait to go to the crime scene or never go there at all.  What this guy did to help out Laurie and Brian is almost sinful.

There are many people that have heard Laurie and Brian brag about what happened at Steven Frey's home.  I'm pretty sure that Steven knew too.  Afterall, Jackson Velin went through a very similar situation with these two as well.  Remember folks DNA genotyping can prove if he was also raped by a female.

The only other people that should be worried in our city are boys between the ages of 12 and 15.  Lt. Reyes asked me to send him anyone that knew about child pornography being produced by Laurie and Brian and I did.  You know what this clown did?  NOTHING.  I sent him a perfectly terrific witness in Anthony Dabiere and he did everything he could to discredit Anthony, including lying about him saying that he was "in custody" when he met with him.  It's bullshit.  This police department wants organized's kind of obvious.  They've been using this system for decades and protecting these two siblings whom now feel themselves too powerful to be stopped.

What you have in Palm Springs is a city living in terror.  A police state with corrupt police officers.  There isn't a single good hearted cop in that department.  Not one of these people in uniform has the guts to stand up for the gay community that is riddled with electronic harassment and illegal surveillance.  What a bunch of fucking pussies. All the world can hope for is that one of you officers will have the chance to experience the terror of your own problems with Laurie once you retire.  I think it is far more important that you know what kind of people YOU are than the kind of person I was trying to help you out.  Welcome to 2015 PSPD, nobody likes or trusts you.