Before I get into this I want to ask all of you that have had the misfortune of running into Laurie and Brian LaGossip. Who was the first person that told you that I have HIV? How long ago was that? What did they tell you about how they knew and what did you tell them? For that matter, whom was the first person that told you I was gay?
Many people would tell you that it was Laurie that told them both of these things. I wasn't telling people about either of these until the late 90's or later, because it wasn't someone's business. The treatment of people with HIV and the stigma of being gay didn't need another contributor to the flame of hate against our community. Also, I didn't share that information with anyone that Laurie would have known. She likes to tell people that her brother and I have the same friends, but on paper she says she doesn't know a thing about me since high school. My point? I can keep a secret, Laurie can't be trusted.
The reason this is important is because I'm the kind of person that people confide in. With Laurie listening in on those conversations, she can spread the rumors and make it sound like I did it. The one problem is that it would still have to come from her mouth originally, not mine. Knowing that Laurie was behind all of this gossip mongering, I put forth some thought into some things that weren't true, but I didn't tell people about them. I pretended to have a kid with a woman from Amarillo, Texas. Completely untrue, but people found out about it. There are others as well and I know that when they leave her mouth.
Laurie likes to attack my best friend, his wife, his mom, my high school friends, people that I've known for years with all kinds of bullshit about me, but almost every one of those people have never heard me mention anything about her. That's because when she finds out something private that someone has told me, she turns me into the big mouth.
For the time being I avoid any and all personal information from anyone, because although I can keep a secret, Laurie can't to save her life. Please don't tell me anything personal for a while. I'd love to help you, but Laurie is a lying big mouthed pain spreading gossip monger.