After taking a look at a better article with regards to the situation facing Officers Guillermo and Rae Fernandez and that Pawn Shop sting operation I have come to the conclusion that there is plenty of good reason to associate ourselves with the Geragos Law Firm. Certainly the circumstances are not all that much different and there are some odd similarities too. That Rae Fernandez would be involved in something that dirty does not surprise me, and shouldn't surprise you, either.
I still haven't read the complaint in the case, and it would appear that the cops still haven't answered the complaint either...but the allegations are fairly simple. Three police officers were looking to use a business to recover stolen goods and work on information about street gangs...not exactly the biggest problem in Palm Springs, California.
The article that I am reading from shows some behavior that I am very familiar with when it comes to the Palm Springs Police Department and their use of informants. One thing that I do know and most of you should too is that Laurie never takes her eye off of Rae whatever was going on in this situation, I am sure that Laurie is very well aware of it. She would know Officer R. Fernandez' thoughts about it, her concerns and her actions...this is one of the huge problems that police officers have when they have consented to using remote neural monitoring.
I am very familiar with two of the techniques used by Laurie in these kinds of situations when police officers have broken the law. She likes to contact other police officers and have them threaten the informants. The very last time that I had personal contact with the police department as an informant for Bryan Anderson, Officers Villegas and Dougherty, threatened "criminal charges" against me if I provided the police with any more information about the suspect in our case. Now remember, I called that department out of fear for my life. I'd received a text message death threat from the subject, he recently opened a post office box in my area and there was a warrant for his arrest. He was already a suspect in my rape case that occurred in his when the police threatened a lawsuit against me, I was furious.
Laurie also likes to contact the informants and call them "snitches" have seen one email from her to me calling me a "snitch" and saying that I could "disappear" and nobody would know.
The article goes on to say that numerous police officer have threatened the Nichols family and have told them to drop the lawsuit and that the $200,000 that was seized to run their business was never returned.
I've also read the part where the cops "turned" on their informants...that is exactly what has happened with Christopher and myself. I was arrested at least five times after being asked, in front of my parents, to become an informant...and Christopher went to jail for a year and a half on a charge that was in no way substantiated by the circumstances. Two informants put in jail and threatened by police officers, neither of us receiving a single benefit for any of the work we did. We found mortgage fraud, tax evasion, child pornography and drug sales in our investigation...not to mention remote neural monitoring of the public and public servants by Laurie and Brian LaTweek. No wonder they don't want us to talk...
My team is equally as guilty of keeping Christopher and myself from communicating...
So what the fuck is the problem? Nobody knows how to handle's just a fucked up situation that I have had to pay for for over 12 years...and have been a part of for 35....this situation requires adult attention. The current state of my investigation is not something that I want to continue...I have other routes to pursue...with better evidence...and better people.
The next logical step in the Nichols' case will be a motion to dismiss filed by the City of Palm Springs for merit...doubtful that will be heard given what I've read and the amount of money then the defendants have to file answers which should give a pretty good idea of what the police will claim. Unless this case settles, which it could, this could take a long time to go to trial. That's fine...except one thing...when you have two informants like Christopher and myself...that have also had their civil rights violated by some of the same officers from the same department...then you have an obligation to assist. I am certain that Laurie has stuck her big fat nose in again...but the offer should still be made. It's part of a legal obligation known as "fairness"...something my team isn't very good at...neither is Christopher.
One of the more interesting aspects of the Nichols' case is that when Mike Nichols was arrested by the PSPD (who was the officer?) he was told that to secure the money taken from his business, $200,000 in total, that he should plead guilty to having something in his home worth less than $25. That's what we call railroading...was it offered at the arraignment? Whom was the presiding judge? Was it Comm Best or Graham Cribbs? These are two courtrooms where Officer Rae Fernandez and her "Special Forces Unit" have pull...and often people that Rae and Laurie have had arrested get forced into taking a plea to something that could easily have been dismissed. Why even hold someone for having less than $25 worth of goods? Not drugs. This is a ridiculous situation for Mike Nichols...whom now has a criminal record and probation probably for being used by the Palm Springs Police. Sound familiar? It does to me...I've seen this so many times that it's starting to sour me on the legal process in the Coachella Valley.
It is clear that the search warrants for the Nichols' home and business look retaliatory...and they look threatening. Whom was the officer and district attorney that asked for them? Was it Aileen Alvarez? In front of Comm. Best or Cribbs? Did the commissioner tell him to "wake up and smell the coffee"?
There is absolutely no way that a defense attorney should be telling his client that it would be better to plead guilty to a criminal charge on something less than $25 to what? Cur favor with the arresting officer in the hopes of having just under a quarter of a million dollars in working capital returned? What the fuck is wrong with these cops? Do they honestly think that people are that gullible? I guess this is what people are use to in the Valley of the Cops...but in the rest of the world this kind of thing is frowned upon if not illegal as Hell.
It would appear that filing a federal lawsuit had it's repercussions for the Nichols' family...I've also had a warrant issued for me in a case after having it removed to federal court...except in my case the state court went ahead with a ruling when the matter was stayed...because of the petitioner. Then three years later without a single incident, ADA Aileen Alvarez issued a warrant for my arrest just days after my probation expired...coincidence? Not really...this is how Rae and Laurie operate...get them on probation then we can fuck with them whenever we want to, allegedly.
This is a "strong arm" tactic used by dirty cops to make innocent people appear to be criminals on paper...nobody ever pleads guilty at an just isn't done. I don't even think it is legal in federal get offered a deal with probation and no jail time...but you are pleading guilty to a crime you didn't really commit or that would have been reduced in a few weeks...Mike Nichols shouldn't have been in jail for something less than $25...that's a "notice to appear" at best. But jailing him sends a message...drop your lawsuit or we will make your life hell. He's sitting in jail after being shot at, machete fight...and worried about his family's what is he going to do? Plead guilty, get home and protect his family. Been there...done that.
How much do you all want to bet that Mike Nichols' case was the very last one heard in court that day? The Rae Fernandez arrests almost always are...that way the court has flagged them as "special" and they get the "special" treatment. Which translates as "illegal treatment".
And just in case any of you are wondering if Laurie is involved in this "Mindy Nichols" situation...I already have two emails from the same IP address from "Mindy" but coming from a place where I've received many suspicious emails from Laurie, allegedly. There is no doubt in my mind that Laurie knows what to do with a restraining order by looking at what Rae Fernandez has done with other victims of electronic harassment. Laurie has no expertise in court procedure...her knowledge about how to have a court clerk flag a defendant and railroad them into a guilty plea at an arraignment had to come from someone in law enforcement. There is no other way.
Now here's a great question. If the PSPD could get a search warrant for two possible crime scenes aka the Nichols' Family Home and the Pawn Shop, then why couldn't the detective in my rape case get a search warrant for Steven's home? The detective told me that he wouldn't talk to the DA until DNA tests confirmed that Steven was involved....but I was in that home where I bled that afternoon...and nobody did a thing. The problem that you have here folks is a problem of police corruption...when it is convenient for them to threaten someone...warrants are issued. When it is their "protected drug dealer" for Laurie, it isn't. So a crime of violence goes uninvestigated while a white collar crime gets two search warrants for a business and a family that was clearly involved with the police.
Why is there still a warrant for my arrest for something I was never told about...I had to find it myself and now can do no further research in Indio because it's the place where the dirt flies for this police department. Absolute corruption. What was Aileen Alvarez doing issuing a warrant three years after the fact...what changed in three years?'s just that three years later I would be off probation...and the cops couldn't just arrest me for any old thing's a scam. If it wasn't a chargeable crime when the ADA first got the "case" from Deputy Fiebig, what made is a crime eighteen months later???
Dirty isn't the name for the PSPD...they are filthy rotten and unrestricted.