So let me start with the explanation of what the PSPD officers didn't ask when they volunteered to have RFID chips stuck in their temples just above their ears...then I will explain how my team with the help of some very important people will be using a "rice strainer" technique to find the criminals.
These are inserted into may police officers at the PSPD by both Brian and Laurie at what they call, "the hook up". They are RFID chips that run on the bodies own electricity...and give off a radio signal using the technology contained within the chip. Think of it as a cell phone that runs on body electricity. Many people think that Laurie and turn them on and off from home...not true. She can log you off of her stolen computer, but the chip gives off a signal until the person it is in dies. It is there for life unless removed. So it's kind of like a cell phone being on, but not on a can be located easily by assigning a cell phone number to the phone technology inside by using the phone number addition to the tracking device. It's in the chip. Dogs and Cats also have these but no phone numbers...why? Because the criminals don't need to know what a dog or cat is thinking...they just scan the chip to see who owns the pet. Like using an RFID credit card or stick at a gas pump...our cops and Targeted individuals can be read from any device that reads ELF radio the case of humans...a cell number connects to a relay station for cell phones or a satellite communication device and the program at the operator's computer deciphers EEG's into a human's thoughts...translates them...and keeps a transcript. Also RFID chips work just like a microphone and video camera...and send signals just like a picture on your phone or like you are talking on a's not difficult to see that manufacturers have come a long way in shrinking cellphone technology.
So why so small? Because silly, they are going into a person's body...they can't be some big lump that you would they are small like a grain of rice.
That's a good segue for me here...when I say we're going to use a "rice strainer" technique to stop the criminals, it's not that physical. you see these little chips are used by operators on their computers. They have numbers that match the chip...this one above could every single time someone logs this number into a program on the internet and links up to a satellite...or phone system...or computer translation program on the web...this number has to be used to assign a phone number to it to read the EEG's from home. Simple....
We are going to work with the NSA on straining any communication that has this number with it...1598543566...and once we see whom is using it...they will be going to that person's home and arresting them...unless they have permission to be monitoring chip number 1598543566. Think about it. If we can cut off internet service to North Korea...think about running a "rice straining program" through Verizon Wireless looking for this chip number 1598543566
Every time we see it...we know it's from a target's chip and guess what? We have over a thousand of these chip numbers to use from the victims in Palm Springs alone...then we go to the chip manufacturers and require that they contact the buyers of these monsters and provide the government with a listing of where each chip is and how it is being used...if that isn't proven...then the rice strainer is used again...simple silly.
If I were an operator of this system...I'd stop now...we are all over this project...and my demise will not stop what we have already started. See the virus forensic project below if you don't believe way or another...we're going to win!!!
As easy as contacting Verizon and other carriers we will put together a comprehensive list of devices that will no longer be allowed cellular phone service...that will keep the devices inside of us from ever being accessed again...and guess what? My producers have worked with these cell phone companies many many times...and we are already well connected with the people that will keep these operators from using these chip numbers ever again. In other words, if you are plugging in a number to read someone's won't be doing it in the future...we're on to you...and we want you to stop.