Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ever Heard of a Criminal Returning to the Scene of the Crime? How About A Cop/Boyfriend That Brought Her Here!!!

There is something that I want to remind Sgt. Anderson about that is very important with the way that this case works.  If he will remember correctly there was once a funeral that he attended with my family and before he went, he delivered home a particular woman whom I have been told, is Lisa.  As in the same breath that I held when he mentioned her again at his home, in front of my parents, that name came up again.  Once again, I bit my tongue having nothing good to say about her.  (I'm like that...if I think that someone is a "friend" of someone that I don't like, I don't usually say too much)  In this case, one thing that he needs to know is that she now tells people that she knew nothing about that whole situation.

What I know is this...weeks before that event that changed my life, I was visited by my family member and her uncle...and I was being gang stalked.  A few weeks later there was a shooting and Sgt. Anderson drove a woman home that I could not believe he was friendly with.  Guess what...same woman again.  Same one that is in Sedona.  Same one that saw my sister at a reunion. The same woman that filed a workplace violence restraining order against me.  The same woman that introduced herself to Christopher and said, "you aren't Bryan Anderson's informant any more, you are mine". Same woman he mentioned in his home to my parents. Same woman that text messages show has been keeping in contact with my sister for over thirty years!  Same woman Jonathan Mendenhall told me was Lisa...same woman every single time.

It would appear to me that Sgt. Anderson's "four year girlfriend" has a major problem with me...and I don't like it.  I've taken a path of least resistance for a very long time now.  It is time that someone looks at all of these things and realizes that I've never done a thing to find her or contact her outside of one single facebook an informant trying to eliminate her as a suspect.

I haven't forgotten anything....and the longer this drags on...the more I am apt to believe that she is the same woman that everyone has thought was stalking me.

I'm not saying that this woman caused the incident to happen that happened, but you all know that she is the world's biggest instigator.  She has always wanted to be a part of my family and there is no way in Hell that was ever going to happen.  Is it any coincidence that a year later in San Diego that I would be shot at while coming home from a friend's home...after being stalked for years and years?  What really makes me upset is how long my team is letting this work on me...before anyone, including Christopher, puts a stop to it.