Morally Conscious

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

You Wouldn't Believe Her Mouth This Morning If I Told You!!!

Some mornings with Laurie you wake up and the filth coming out of her mouth is just so sick that if I told you about it, you would think less of me.  She's embarked on this campaign of threatening my friends during my sleep that is so freaking disgusting that telling you about it makes me look bad.  I leave mornings like this up to my team to record and tell others about it because if it came from my mouth, it wouldn't seem right.

It's kind of like telling the police that you "hear voices telling you what to do when you are arrested".  Even though the cops that arrested you were listening to the same voices, knowing that this whole thing is possible, they would hold it against you.  So rather that get into the filth of her thoughts and words, let me just tell you this.  She's plotting something horrible and sick and I will do everything in my power, legally, to stop her, but you need to know that my whole family remains in danger, just like she told my own sister, over the phone, while she was on vacation with her own family.

It's kind of like what you read in those emails from Laurie Johnson...and the rape that I suffered at Steven Frey's home...mixed with some really awful things.  She's using people from facebook that have "friended" her to tell the macabre story...and thinks that I will write about it here so that she can tattle to them that I think this way.  I certainly do not.  I love my friends and family very much.  The threats I have shown you are concrete and real...they didn't come from me.  They came from the City of La Quinta and their "employee" can easily see what she's like on paper.

I can tell you that she hates me, hates my police contact, hates his relationship with his wife (whom I've never met), hates Rae Fernandez, whom I've tried to tell over and over again what was going on....Laurie hates everyone.

I don't.   I'm a peaceful warrior whom walks the Earth gently but with purpose.  I hope you know that about me by now.