Morally Conscious

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sure, You Can See Where I Put This Blog Together

People always ask about how I put this blog together and whom I have working on it with me.  I work on the blog by myself, my team helps get the word out about the posts...and you keep it going for me.  I know you can't see much on the webcam, most of the time, but most of the time I'm here...sleeping.  Being a victim of this constant harassment and Laurie's most hated "assignment", as she calls me, means I get super duper tired.  So I usually write the blog header in the morning...think about the topic I've chosen...and then I write about it in the evening.

None of the equipment I use is stolen or the property of the LaTweeks, like Laurie likes to tell people.  The only two people that have ever been invited to my home, stole things for Laurie.  One was her cousin and the other was his boyfriend.  They are nice guys, but I haven't maintained a friendship with them because they stole from me for her...too much like Palm Springs for me.  Ray and Thomas are really smart and at the time, I didn't put together that they were related...they have different last names.  Now I know they are and can't be trusted.

I live in a house that I own and my family lives with me. You only see my room...which doubles as a studio for this project.  I use three or four computers to put the blog together and two webcams.  I write all the posts myself and have about five or six full diaries about this crime that start in about 1994 or 1995 or transcripts go back as far as 1987 for my stalking.

Here is what my studio looks like where I create the blog...hope this helps give you a better perspective:

Should have probably cleaned before showing you