Ho Ho Ho-NO!!! For the time being, our friends at facebook have a huge problem with domestic terrorism and Laurie. I went onto some of the most questionable pages tonight and could clearly see that Laurie's made up so many profiles now that it is really hard to keep up. She's clearly accessing people's email accounts and writing for information. The only problem is that she's made up so many that she'd literally have to chat with herself to make it look plausible.
I know whom is friendly with whom in Palm Springs and some of these "friend" connections are outrageous. Paul Tanber knowing Steven Frey is not at all possible. Every damn addict in the world is on Steven's page and half of those accounts are made up too. This is Stalking 101 in the 2015's...and social networking is a very scary place. I don't recommend auto accepting any friend requests from people.
It looks like Laurie is hacking into the email accounts of eh victims, stealing personal pictures and using them as justification that the pages are real. I don't believe them and neither should you. She's been facebooking for one girl I went to high school with for three or four years now trying to legitimize that she is her. It isn't the truth.