In 2009 it was a police sting that caught the ear of the general public in Palm Springs and had a major newswire picked up on it, more than just one police chief would have lost his job.
Last time I checked, Freedom of Speech was a Civil Right...and now the PSPD is at it again...when the Nichols family bravely came forward to say that their civil rights had been abridged on television...someone saw fit to take the story off of their website. This is a website that still airs a story about Michael Jackson's death...
In 2014, Michael and Mindy Nichols file a federal lawsuit with tons of merit citing civil rights violation because the PSPD used their business to sell meth and confiscate stolen items. What I want to know is why is the story now missing from the KMIR6 site? Doesn't the public have a right to know what their public servants are involved with...liable or not? They should have the right to know that three of their own "finest" are being sued along with the tax payer's CITY because of some seriously gross behavior by a few police officers. Whether this pans out or not, our city should know where their tax dollars are being spent. In a town as dirty as Palm Springs, California it figures that the police would try to have something like this taken off the website so that other informants that have been mistreated can come forward.
I am working this case tooth and nail because I believe that Christopher and I have both been the victims of this police informant terrorism. Christopher went to jail for a year and a half to shut his mouth and I was arrested six times without any convictions and have received numerous threats to my life without any help at all from this department. I uncovered a half million dollars in unpaid federal taxes by a drug dealer that lived a half block from the PSPD.
Are the officers of this department this cowardice that they have to submit to bullying tactic with the press to keep them from looking like assholes???
Perhaps they settled this case out of trial and they thought it was safer for the informants to have it removed...I seriously doubt that happened. So what gives Rae? Have your thugs threaten the news station? Allegedly? This department can't afford to have any more bad press and that's why it is off the news and out of the papers...but guess what? I can get a copy of that complaint and spend every single hearing in that Central District Courtroom and report on it just like any other news reporter...and I have a following bigger than KMIR 6 does online.
This complaint will be shown in it's entirety on this site as soon as my friends in Los Angeles get me a copy!!!
The news story didn't show the names of the cops involved, I found out and said them myself. If the police can use Laurie to spread our names to the gay community that we were investigating crimes for....then why the Hell can't I tell you whom was named in our city's case? The City of Palm Springs is named...don't we all want to know why?
Laurie is now claiming she had something to do with the KMIR6 report being pulled for her dear Sister Friend Rae Fernandez!!! Cover up all you want PSPD, but the public deserves to know!!! Nothing screams informant misconduct or civil rights violations like Freedom of Speech being impeached. If my team can prove Laurie had anything to do with this story being pulled you can bet Officer Fernandez will be questioned about her involvement with her!!!
They didn't pull the story of Christopher Monti's arrest as an informant for them...just the report that says that we have a possible problem with our cops. More bullshit from and already mistrusted police department.
My team is now scouring over the complaint filed by the Nichols family in search of dates and names to match them up with transcripts from Laurie's time here in the desert. If there are any matches, you can be sure this will be included in OUR LAWSUIT versus the PSPD! This kind of bullying tactic is so against the First Amendment it just shows you what it is like when you are up against a police department that feels themselves autonomous and all powerful. It look suspicious as Hell to me.
I've already alerted the Geragos attorney of this story being removed from their site AND I have alerted Mindy Nichols. If the attorney in their case thought it was a bad idea to air this story, he wouldn't have appeared in the spot. I am sure he will think this omission to be suspect and more tampering with the safety of the PSPD's informants.
Lest any police officer at that department think that pulling this story off of their website is a is exactly what my team wants. We want to show how autonomous this police department is and the tactics they use to abridge our civil rights. We want them to show how deeply involved with Laurie that they are...we want them so intrinsically tied to this drug dealer that they can't do anything but shake in fear that she will be exposed legally and without violence. This is a huge victory for us, but not the Nichols family...they deserve to have their civil rights restored by a station that dared to try to protect them, then shut them out just like the police did. That's what's dangerous about living in Palm Springs, California.
If the news station in Ferguson pulled the news story of a cop shooting a black kid off the news because it was "bad press" for the police department there, wouldn't that have pissed off the community because the City of Ferguson was also in trouble. Why does our news and our police department get to pick and choose what news stories appear on their website AFTER they've made the decision to air this story on behalf of the citizens of this community???
If anyone is interested in finding out about 2:2014CV05837 Central District of California. Nichols et al vs. City of Palm Springs, Fernandez, Fernandez et can still read about it here:
or here