Searching For Ricky!!!
There is another way of attacking this problem of electronic harassment that afflicts us all and it isn't the conventional way, but it is the easiest of all.
If you are a victim of this crime you fall into one of two categories. You are either "someone that WILL do something for Laurie and Brian" or "someone that WON'T do something for Laurie and Brian"...what I mean by "do something" is something criminal that she will later use against you to keep you quiet. What the latter group needs to realize is that you too are in a very powerful position to STOP LISA!!!
Most of us in the Palm Springs area that partied know "Ricky". For a very long time he had a horrible reputation for stealing things and causing problems. What many of us didn't realize at the time was that Ricky was trying to keep himself out of trouble. I have had a long relationship with "Ricky" and frankly liked him, didn't like him and like him again now...actually I really like him now because I understand what was happening.
Just like Jonathan Mendenhall, "Ricky" fell into the category of someone that WOULD do something for Laurie. He ended up with a horrible reputation and a horrible sense of "if I don't do this she will put me in jail". Some of you may or may not know but he really cleaned up his act. He's a super nice guy and sobered up like many of us do, to get the Laurie out of his life. It works, but it works on other levels too. Part of sobriety that I love is the "total honesty" thing.
"Ricky" no longer has to fear the things that he did for Laurie, he just has to explain what he did and why. He can't be prosecuted for it because he was being extorted...and that is a far bigger crime. What I like about "Ricky" is that he can't stand Laurie more than almost anyone that I know, but there are a lot of people that fall into this category. Christopher Monti, Daniel Chackray, Steven Frey, Jonathan Mendenhall, Micah, Gary Bowman, Rafe and Ken Frank, James Connelley, James Romeo and others have been used for years to create crime in the gay community at the insistence of Laurie and Brian LaTweeker. Almost all of these men have been told to physically harm me at one time or another...most of them knew better.
I am an informant for the PSPD...officially. I also have terrific connections with the federal government as I worked for the U.S. Department of Justice for 9 years. I know whom to talk to about Lisa...Jessica or whomever she told you she was. Anthony Dabiere, Christopher Monti and Jonathan Mendenhall work for me and with me. If you want to get your side of the story told and put her away in to one of us. I can be reached at, but any of us is good to talk to. We know what you've been put through and we want you to gain personally and financially from this horrid experience. Talk to one of us....we don't bite...and you know it.
Laurie and Brian always told these men that if they went to the police that she would have them arrested for the things that did for her and she wouldn't be punished. That just simply isn't true. You are in a very powerful position against her because blackmail and extortion are very very serious crimes. Now that we know whom this woman is, whom her brother is and whom else she works with, you have achieved a level of success just by not doing anything else for her and sobering up. You can be used as material witnesses against her and have your records expunged if your information is strong enough. The alternative is to be on her list of potential victims for the rest of your life...whom wants that?
Wouldn't we all like to live a Lisa-free life?
I know I do.
After Christmas the Palm Springs Police Department will no longer have an option to be involved in solving this crime...I am setting a deadline for their involvement and if they don't meet it, I will be moving forward with my friends at the federal level. I am an informant for the PSPD and their mistreatment of Christopher and myself deserves consideration greater than what we have received. I know whom to contact and I know that with the right incentive a U.S. Attorney will be happy to hear stories about the little girl in Palm Springs that forces gay men to serve her...they could care less if you stole a porn movie for her...just that she made you.
This is how this will play out now that I've mentioned these names and I'm okay with it. Now that I've mentioned the names of some of the people that I consider to be the strongest victims of the "I will do something for Laurie" victims...Laurie will now try to attack them and threaten them and their team will be right on top of that situation too.