Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Naked Tweet From Ryan Gosling: Actually, It's Just Another Holiday Warning From Me

Question: If Ryan is a Gosling, doesn't that make his mom, Mother Goose? I love Mother Goose!!! I'll give you a second to ponder...

Even Mrs. Monti wouldn't mind a naked tweet from Ryan wouldn't!  In fact, if his schwanz is in your face and you aren't noticing something, you have a definite problem!!!

Our love to Mr. Gosling and all the goose-lings at Thanksgiving!!!

Now that I have your attention...or that flashing OMG does, let me again, warn all of you that it is Thanksgiving.  If you are going to travel and you are a victim of this crime, you need to secure your home NOW!!!  You need to have someone that you trust keep an eye on your things and make sure that nobody is going to steal from you.  Keeping Laurie impoverished during the holiday season is everyone's responsibility.  She needs to get a job and pay for her own turkey this year.

This is also the time that everyone should realize that during the holidays...from now until the week after New Years, we are all targets for arrest and terror.  Laurie loves stealing mail during the holiday cards, cash from Christmas cards, prepaid MC/Visa cards anything she can get her grubby little hands on.  In order to stop this season of have to take measures with the post office to keep the love from your family and friends flowing.  We all remember that empty refrigerator picture that Laurie tweeted on Jonathan Mendenhall's behalf don't we?

That was just Laurie's way of getting all of the people on Jonathan's phone list to send him money that she could steal.  
If you don't remember, here's what it looked like...this is so sad.  Here's the scam:

I was sitting at my work in the middle of the night and got this "tweet" from Jonathan's phone looked like this:
"Merry Christmas from Jonathan and Anthony" - as if Jonathan himself had sent something this sad to all of his friends and family.

Of course, this would prompt anyone that Jonathan had on his cellphone to feel sorry for both he and Anthony and send him money or gift cards or something.  What they didn't know was that Laurie had forwarded his U.S. Postal mail or stole a key to his mailbox so that whomever felt generous, would have their offerings to my friends stolen so that she could have a Merry Christmas.  BITCH!!!

You see what Laurie and Brian like to do is trade on our family and friends' if they deserve the benefits of our family and friends.

I should know, Laurie and Brian use to steal the food that I bought for Anthony and Jonathan all the time...right out of Jonathan's own refrigerator.

So family be careful.  It would seem that money orders and emails are much safer than phone texts and cards with money.  Gift cards aren't safe unless they are sent registered mail with an id check and even then, there are so many stolen and fake id's out there that it isn't the smartest idea.  My team should utilize our team's mailbox for safe sending and receiving.

We have received rare footage of Brian LaTweek from Thanksgiving's past...haven't seen him look like this since the night I saw him inside Steven Frey's bedroom while Steven was knocked out cold: