I have tried being patient. I have tried reasoning with the PSPD. Apparently they don't care about the kind of information that I've developed and can use to my benefit elsewhere without their help. I have a family to protect and I haven't seen one bit of cooperation from the PSPD since the day that I reported my rape. Laurie simply will NOT stop threatening me and Christopher and she WILL NOT relent. I have been as patient as I could be with a tremendous amount of evidence involving my rape including bloody clothing, lab work, threatening postcards and a viable suspect in a person that has been following me since I reported the rape and years earlier...and the police know it. Apparently I haven't made myself clear enough...I won't stop pursuing this problem until someone at that police department acknowledges that they fucked me and Christopher over and that they are in violation of the law regarding informants by choosing to use remote neural monitoring rather than accepted and legal methods of information gathering. I am officially done.
I propped Sgt. Anderson up as well as I could to stop this crime from continuing and yet Laurie persists. This kind of treatment of his own informants will be the topic of conversation that I will have with U.S. Attorneys in the future. I have taken enough punishment for being his informant and it is clear to me that his concern for the safety of my family is absolutely nil. I don't trust you any longer and I no longer wish to work with you on this case because it is clear that your past relationship with this girl has clouded your judgment. Another aspect that I will be taking to the U.S. Attorney. I begged you to speak with my father and my sister about what this woman has done, you flatly refused. Now it is time for me to take stalk in what I can prove thanks to your ex-girlfriend of four years.
It is way too much for me to have to wait for justice when I should be doing more...I've tried to be a friend and I've tried to show compassion, but the fact remains that I have been put in this situation because I followed all the police advice to the letter and all that did was bring the problem closer to my home and away from their department.
I've shown understanding and compassion for many years now...seven years since the rape, I've been verbally raped every single solitary day since. Laurie and her brother Brian are no better now than they were the night before they came over to Steven Frey's, allegedly. They are just as aggressive and just as sexual towards me and I think that it is high time that someone deal with this situation rather than let it slide another day. For seven years I've walked the line between being a friend to Officer Anderson and being Christopher's boyfriend and that entire relationship has proven costly for Christopher and myself. I haven't even seen him since his arrest and before. Knowing that there are cops out there to hurt us isn't a way that I want Christopher to live. He needs to be loved and cared for, not scared and frightened. This situation isn't what it should be, because I trusted a family friend. Now that I am sure that friendship means nothing to him when it comes to Laurie, I will pursue other avenues with the former police officer that we already have working on our team.
Bearing in mind that these are only accusations and not yet proven in a court of law, just how many women do you all think it would take to make a point?
You can clearly see that these accusations go back to 1967 with Mr. Cosby and just now are receiving attention. According to Chief Franz, if a rape victim doesn't report a rape within a specific time frame, apparently less than a month, then he isn't telling the truth. I would submit that it took about that long to get my blood work back from the Desert AIDS Project showing that I was infected with Hepatitis C at the time of the rape.
I was also told, via remote neural monitoring, not to report the rape and that there would be serious consequences for doing so. I spent most of that first month trying to figure out what to do. I was drugged, beaten and attacked in the home of a friend and my attacker was using this technology to threaten me. Don't believe me Chief Franz? Take a look at the postcard sent to my home with a picture of myself being punched in the face a full two months after reporting the rape...still think I'm lying? See how many times your own officers arrested and contacted me after reporting the rape...then tell me that I should have reported it earlier than I did for credibility's sake.
And, by the way, what is the correct time for reporting a date rape drug sexual assault? Is it since 1967 like the Cosby accusers or is it the next day? How do you prove it? I proved it by reporting it and showing your fucking detectives that I wasn't positive for Hep C before the rape (with a full blood panel) and that I was a month afterwards with a panel that shows that I was infected...isn't that good enough for a cop? It wasn't enough to have anyone go to the crime scene that's for sure.
It was, however, good enough for the ACLU to write a letter on my behalf when the report taking officer said, "so you're saying they fucked your ass with a Coke bottle"? A classic, I must say that is as offensive today as it was the night that he said it to me. We do have that transcript as I was wearing a wire that night and will be happy to provide it to police at a later date. You see what you are noticing here is that when you are a gay victim of a rape, you are treated like shit. A woman infected with HIV after a sexual assault would be treated with kit gloves by the police but not a man infected with the much more deadly Hep C virus these days.
I know that others have reported these types of "strange infections" too. Like a guy named "Andy" whom was drugged and raped in this home at 244 N Farrell whom told the police that he was HIV negative until he was drugged and raped in his home then became HIV positive. I know because my best friend Paul lived right next door to him and I've heard that the PSPD did nothing for Andy either. You see when you are law enforcement and you take the side of the rapist, every time, you open yourselves up for what is known as a "class action lawsuit" made up of members of the class that are gay, men or women, or HIV infected with the strain that your "friend" Lisa has, and have been mistreated by the PSPD...a class action law suit knows no time frame...it just means that all members of a class fit a certain profile...like they all are Red-Blue-Yellow HIV infected...
I then went on television to tell as many people as I could that someone or some people were going around doing this and we all know how that turned out..."Mental issues" is how the police characterized me and I didn't think that was appropriate for anyone that has been raped. It is just more warning from Laurie and the PSPD that if you report us for raping you, we will smear your good name all over the place and if you continue, we will arrest you for being a victim of our secret terrorist organization.
Laurie just now said, "I thought I was supposed to do this for the police" which is another problem for them as well. If there is any police officer out there that thinks that stalking and terrorizing a rape victim is part of the PSPD policy, then you need to change jobs immediately. You folks have your heads screwed on backwards...and you need us to pull it out of your asses so that you can understand that once you retire, you are no better off than any of us. You, then, become the victim too...and you won't like it.
Is this the new PSPD recruitment poster???