So if you've ever had the mis-opportunity of running into this guy, you know exactly what I am talking about. He's caused more problems with electronic harassment victims than just about anyone, know why? Laurie just loved using his home, or should I say his brother's home, to house these victims so that he could steal from them. I don't say allegedly because he stole from me on more than one occasion. This guys is one Hell of a piece of work....
I trusted him for a while but the fact remains that my research shows that almost every E.H. victim has been put through hell with this man for Laurie's pleasure. I know that Christopher spent some time with this guy as well and I am sure we share the same opinion. Neither of us is a fan.
He literally had a guy Geoff, take a swing at me in his home so that he could steal my belongings and have me arrested on my 40th birthday...he's a real shady character and should be avoided at all costs.