According to his facebook page, Steven is in trouble again...and here is a picture of him with his "two sisters", obviously neither of them is Laurie (posted so the police know whom his sisters are). There are so many things going on, on his facebook page that I am frankly concerned that she is setting him up again. My apologies to Steven Frey for posting this, but perhaps he should realize that just because she's here bothering me, doesn't mean she's not still fucking with you.
Wouldn't it be just like Laurie to have Steven Frey arrested again then post this shit on his fake facebook page? This is why I am done with the PSPD. The problem continues despite all the warnings and all of the problems that she causes for everyone. I feel for Steven but not one bit more than I feel for myself or Christopher, this is a problem that the PSPD built and supported for decades. When it's time to stop it's time to stop!!!
So, if Laurie has already had Steven arrested again...who's next??? You know Christopher and Anthony are on her list and I won't be thrilled with this idea much longer, dear team. Thank God Jonathan's already dead or she'd have his ashes arrested.
It's no wonder I can't go to Palm Springs for my medical appointments or anything else...Laurie's been begging me to do that...and as far as I'm concerned the lack of police involvement in her arrest is the PSPD denying me access to medical facilities. Nobody wants to be anywhere where the Cat City Police and PSPD are when it comes to being a victim of this crime.
I can tell you this for certain...Steven Frey is no A/A person. He doesn't believe in God and as far as a Higher Power, there isn't one that exists for him. He wouldn't disagree with me saying that either. This post above is just like the Mollybonhus bravado post-strong-arm-robbery article for reads like a warning to anyone that would cross dear Laurie. Hey Laurie, FUCK YOU!!!
The reason that Steven Frey was arrested again is simple...Laurie wants to put him in jail for what he knows. He's in tremendous debt because of mortgage fraud that I doubt he understands the seriousness of. The Palm Springs Police are too fucking stupid to realize that so they are more than willing to let him go to jail again and again until Steven decides to shut up permanently. The problem is this...he also knows whom raped me...and the cops are just too fucking smug to do anything about it. Guess what? We don't need them anyways...they think that my team is a joke, we'll see how funny it is when they get indicted right along their sidekick Laurie LaSnitch.
Let me tell you all why this is a "Laurie" arrest. Steven Frey would no sooner facebook than go to church. He is an atheist and has absolutely no friends to facebook with. He wouldn't waste his time on such a stupid thing as social networking when he is a self proclaimed "loner". He has no reason to facebook. The posting you see above is "female bravado". Boasting that she had him arrested then bragging about having him face another two years in jail. The fact that it is facebooked at all is a true sign that Laurie was behind it. I guarantee you that Steven Frey did not write this...guarantee you 100%!!!
It's the holiday season folks...Laurie is rampaging again and as I told you all before, this is the time to close your doors, lock your windows and never ever go outside.
What I do not appreciate are corrupt cops arresting the subject of my investigation in an effort to keep him from talking about whom put him in tremendous debt. I think it is another travesty of justice to think that my hard work is being used as fodder to continue to hurt the already damaged victims of this crime on behalf of a drug dealer and fraudulent bitch.