Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Does Snuffing Out My Candle Make You All Look At Laurie's Flickering Flame???

It's been a while since I've explained my concept of candle blowing...and my apologies to whomever told me about it long ago.

I believe that every life is a candle, warm, bright, natural, unique and fragile.  Candles have a life that is only as long as the wick and wax...the only problem with them is that they are out there for anyone to extinguish.  My concept of blowing out someone else's candle is so that yours is the new flame to light the way.  Laurie is constantly trying to blow out everyone else's candle to make her's the only light in the dark tunnel of life.  If hers is the only one there, then you have to follow it.

It's like stealing a victim's food, money and shelter from them; Laurie thinks that they have to come to her for everything then.  Not true.  Making a person desperate only creates desperation...if you have ever been there with this little girl then you know, it's one of her worst attributes.  Take away a person's support system and she thinks you will come running to her.  My goal is to create an alternate support system for the victims of this crime so that none of them are put in a position to do anything to help her.  I've tried really hard to do this for my friends...I hope it is working for them.

I think that Laurie acts like her own mother "threw her out of the house" so she now feels that she has to do this for other people.  On behalf of Laurie's mom and dad, frankly, if you did throw her out, who would blame you???  Certainly not me.  She acts like a spoiled brat, she's disrespectful, she acts like she was abused and we all know she wasn't.  I don't know that anyone could have done anything with this matter what kind of parent, family member or friend they ever were to her.  If her parents ever have the misfortune of seeing what Laurie says about them they are going to be's a complete character assassination and I know it isn't warranted.

Laurie's a bad seed...a rotten apple...a bad person who is out to take whatever you leave within her grasp.  This isn't something that she learned from anyone but her brother and herself.  At 50 years old, neither one of these two people have the right to blame their parents or family or anyone else for their problems.  If they can't cope, it's on them.

Snuffing out someone else's candle is one thing....stealing that candle is something else.  Nobody has the right to take your light for your life...that's the difference between Laurie the jealous girl and Laurie the thief.  If you are popular enough, she'll simply steal your candle so you can't ever light it again after she blows it out.  She's that kind of person.