Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I'm So Glad I'm Not Laurie...What Must It Be Like To "Hate Everyone"!!!

I guess I'm just way too happy to be the kind of person that Laurie is.  I know that when I wake up she's always awake and hating me before I even have a thought.  Of course, Christian is right there with Laurie next to him telling him to force me to think of her the second I wake up.  I don't want to...but she makes me.  Then I start my day...

Most people would think that I should be careful telling all of you this, but you have seen the evidence of her stalking already so I am totally comfortable telling you that she is constantly trying to make me think of her (Insert "workplace violence restraining order here)

If I won't pay attention to her, then she starts texting me as other people or writing me emails as Anthony Dabiere to get my attention....the emails usually close with "are you listening to me" or "got it"?  This is how Laurie forces me to get angry about this electronic harassment.

If it is Monday thru Wednesday, I have to sleep during the day because I work at night and you all can see me on my bedroom camera.  Contrary to what Laurie tells people I have a home that is MINE in 29 Palms and yes, I have two roommate/family members that you won't ever see on camera.  The camera is there to show everyone that I am nothing like Laurie wants the police to believe.  I am on camera while I am at home and am on camera while I am at work.  This is important because when Laurie starts to call and tell people lies about me, I know that my team has me on camera as well as my I'm covered for anything that she would make up about me.  

The cameras are also for Christopher so that he and his family can see that I am okay and so that they can see me at home; not out doing drugs like Laurie tells everyone.

The cameras are for my team to make sure that I don't get attacked again at make sure that my HIV meds don't get stolen and to keep Laurie from stealing anything else of mine since she stole everything I owned once; she is VERY proud of that one.

Laurie, as you can see from her emails from "Laurie" or as she then calls herself "not Laurie" says that the that my web camera is self's not, it's just her way of telling all of you that she hates me looking smarter than her...she would also like for me to turn it off so that she could rob me blind while I am away with my family.  This home has been broken into before and Laurie has copies of a key to this home.  I know because Jonathan Mendenhall told me she has one and things went missing.  She stole jewelry and money from this home with her brother...and would come back if I let her.

I have a Rotweiller, a boxer, a Dachsund and an attack cat here at the house, an electrified fence, motion sensitive lights, and the webcam.  You can expect more webcams in the future because I feel safer.  The PSPD has provided no protection for me since Laurie is a threat to them.

I'm glad I'm not Laurie because I would hate living every day thinking of how to steal from me or my family...I don't know where she is, but she is close enough to steal from my parent's home while we were all at dinner and leave before we got back.  This time she got a key to my new car which she used to steal my HIV meds from once and my scrap book that my sister made for me in high school.  Laurie likes to pretend that my friends were friends with her in far as I know that stuff is still where they are living....the car key may or may not be with Jonathan can't be copied.

I live every moment afraid of being shot again...but that's a good kind of awareness.  I have to double check that the house is locked...that the dog gates are locked or Laurie will let them out and they will get hurt (one dog was killed a few years ago when she was let out...I don't know if that was sister or brother)

My life is a practice in caution and preparation for every's not fun, but when you are being stalked, you do what you have to.