Morally Conscious

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Who's Snooping Into Paris' Phone? It's the "Johnsons" of the World

Dear Paris,

If you want to know how jerks find texts to and from your phone and steal your private pictures and sell them to magazines from your number, ask David Katzenberg...because he works with me, I know how it's being done!  Your BFF's Kevin and Christopher!


Electronic harassment happens because the criminals have access to Verizon wireless and other cellphone carrier's operations systems...they can capture and enter your phone like a burglar does your home with a key...only nobody is stopping might as well have a chip in your body too....

When Ken Frank broke into Jeffrey Katzenbergs private office sanctuary he likely stole a cellphone with thousands of stars phone numbers giving Tracy Johnson access to private billing account numbers of thousands of stars...want unlimited financing?  Get a movie star's billing information....

Jeffrey and I know that the Johnsons have access to the Verizon system...that means Verizon Customer Billing information as well....

I have already informed Verizon via the FCC that this is being done illegally and my suggestion is an encryption App for every Smart phone from now on.

Verizon is going to be sued BIG TIME

Hey Paris...We Love You...but we value your privacy!!!!