Morally Conscious

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Friday, October 7, 2011

The First Courageous Step: Goodbye Officer Tokier

Three cheers to the decision made this past week to terminate the career of Lt. Tokier of the Palm Springs Police Department.  I think that David Ready made a sound decision when he terminated the career of this officer and I will tell you why.

When an officer of the law is entrusted with the ability to use police credibility and his badge to make himself look better and utilize the police computers when he is not supposed to, then he has clearly mislayed the public trust and has set himself above the law.

We have a problem in Palm Springs.  I don't know how long it will take to expose this problem, but it will come to light.  There are officers that break the law to further their own careers and think nothing of it.  This is not to say that ALL officers are like this, but the ones that keep their mouths closed to protect the bad officers are just as guilty of the crime as those whom break the law.  I don't care what anyone says...there are officers at our police department that know electronic harassment and entrapment is going on...they know that someone doctored up my DNA results from my rape...and someone put their career before the public's safety...I intend to shed light on this crime...and so does my team.

I am a huge fan of law enforcement done well....criminals should be arrested, but there is a reason why it has to be done within the law...and members of this department go beyond the color of the law and put people like myself in fear for their safety without anywhere to turn.