Morally Conscious

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Friday, September 2, 2011

My Heart Goes out To You

I am so tired of having to post the most terrible sounding things to the Mendenhall Family. I can't imagine what it must be like to hear these types of things about a brother or son that I KNOW you love so much. I want you to know something...Johnathan used to say the nicest things about all of you. He was once the son that you thought he was. I've known him longer than almost all of the people that he is around now influencing him and he was never disrespectful to anyone of you.
He was most proud of his grandfather.  He was proud to be his grandson.  He always spoke very highly of him and of all of you.

Right before Jared died, things started to change.  He was absent a lot of the time and he was doing a lot of drugs...more than I ever thought he was.  You can thank Tracy Johnson for that...she kept pushing drugs in his direction and after Jared passed I think she used them as a way to keep him hooked.  Eventually my stalker, Stephen Johnson Jr., found him because I knew him and used his drug addiction and the ability to see what victims thought and saw to entice him into being a different person...the one you don't know today.

I will let Anthony tell you about the worst of the details, because he knows you and knows more about what he's involved with, but you need to know that he is NOT the same person he used to be.  He's done things you'd never imagine he'd do...things that none of the people who thought they were his friends thought him capable of.  This power to know other people's thoughts and action's made him into some sort of a mind predator...and it's not pretty.

You can see from his actions that Tracy Johnson has her claws sunk deep into his troubled soul...and Junior Johnson's obsession with him is only matched by his 15 year stalking of me...I am afraid that Johnathan is collateral damage from that stalking.  That Johnathan would actually help him stalk me, my family and my friends is only matched by his betrayal of his own family; a family I hope I can meet with someday and hug each and every one of you to let you know that YOU did nothing wrong.  Tracy Johnson and Junior have destroy many young men and their families; I have friends that committed suicide because of what they did to them.  You are extremely lucky to still have Johnathan alive with the situations he put himself in and was forced into...if you love him, and I know you do, find him...have him talk to an attorney and teach him to be honest about everything.

I have to write what I know to be true to warn the other victims of this crime so he, Tracy and Junior don't force anyone else into a jail cell or suicide unjustly.  I pray to God you understand.

I know somewhere deep in your heart you will.
